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Impeached (relevance: 6)
by StrawberryWin3 on Dec 18 2019 05:46PM
It's been done. It's over you can all go home.
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Articles of Impeachment (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Dec 5 2019 07:18AM
We are finally here. Pelosi said “let slip the dogs of war and cry havok.” Or something of the kind, as she gave the green light to impeach Trump.
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What part of Donald Trump reminds you of Jesus? (relevance: 6)
by Harpooner on Nov 10 2019 07:16AM
Donald Trump is very popular among evangelical Christians. Cool. So let’s have a discussion. What part of Donald Trump reminds you of Jesus?
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Trump (relevance: 6)
by Grumpy on Oct 27 2019 10:44AM
Did it again.........he got that foo! Pinchi cave dwellers.
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Meryl Streep of generals roasts Trump over not fighting in Vietnam, KFC and Linclon (relevance: 6)
by coolhotavi50 on Oct 19 2019 09:49PM
Few Days ago Trump Mocked James Mattis his own former US defense secretary The retired Marine Corps general and referred to him as the "world's most overrated general" this week. Also Trump joked about former President Abraham Lincoln during his ...
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War Hero USS John S. McCain ship Moved to appease Coward Draft Dodger Trump (relevance: 6)
by coolhotavi50 on May 29 2019 08:58PM
Apparently During Trumps Japan Visit this week, WHITE HOUSE asked US NAVY to move the ship named after John McCain from "OUT OF SIGHT" of Trump lol This is MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN... LOL Fucking Hypocrites Patriots (Retard) Republicans
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Medal of Freedom for pornstar Fucker (relevance: 6)
by coolhotavi50 on May 7 2019 09:21PM
Today Trump Gives �Medal Of Freedom� to Tiger wood , Call�s him Legend One porn star fucker wife cheater gives medal of freedom to another pornstar fucker wife cheater lol what a great standard America have now a days
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Cohen (relevance: 6)
by 2small4porn on Feb 27 2019 07:37AM
Congressional testimony is going to be interesting. Already Trump supporters are trying to discredit Cohen as a liar who has already lied under oath before. True, but remember that Cohen also kept an arsenal of secret taped recordings and probably ...
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Be vewy vewy quite (relevance: 6)
by Koru7 on Dec 18 2018 03:15PM
I'm hunting ...
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2nd Amendment “don’t take my ...” (relevance: 6)
by cannibal on Feb 20 2018 06:37PM
I’m not so much a social medicine party as I am a wtf makes logical sense issue person. So this is not meant to be a party q. It’s just for more info so I can be more educated and totally upgraded ya dig. Including officer hated Fienstine, ...
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