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Hope Trump or his friends aren’t profiteering from PPE shortages (relevance: 5)
by 2small4porn on Mar 23 2020 06:24AM
It’s odd that the President waited till last Thursday to invoke the Defense Production Act but despite reported clamoring by frontline medical professionals and hospitals of shortages of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment, such as n95 masks), covid ...

Why are so many foreign country currencies made out of plastic? (relevance: 5)
by teeitup on Apr 25 2018 10:15AM
Makes me feel like I've been cheated when I convert my good ol paper money.

too much mojo (relevance: 5)
by abra.lin on Feb 27 2018 04:53PM
I just checked that I have well over 10,000 mojo on my other account. I don't know what happened. Is that too much for life? Can I convert them back to FXP? Can I pay the mask for once and nobody I flirt can ID me after?

"Orphan" Albums (relevance: 5)
by Humaniplex on May 1 2017 01:20PM
Last year we had a data corruption that cause photos to not be linked to an album. The solution was a special "Orphans" folder that only the owner of the folder could see that contained these orphaned photos. The owner could then convert the sp ...

FX points For XXX content .. (relevance: 3)
by Lilmisstasty on Jul 19 2024 04:02PM
Trade points for everything you want plus some I can’t redeem gift cards so I can trade what you want if you give me what I want :)
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Mojo (relevance: 3)
by lucious_licks on Apr 3 2024 10:30AM
How do I get more mojo I have never ran out before lol
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New finding about the nature ofTrump Base Part II (relevance: 3)
by Rahcrener on Jan 15 2024 04:11PM (Part 1) Mostly emotional/irrational responses about how gases were cheaper/how excellent the economic growth was during Trump years. The truth is that every president inherits the one from previous admini ...
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Internal clocks . . . Mine is on Rooster time (relevance: 3)
by Pretty_Kittty on Apr 7 2023 06:00AM
When you see me post super early it's not cause I've been up all night. This bugger (my brain) likes to wake me up at 4am every morning lol. I try to spare y'all the early am posting, but I have a lot of energy and need it to go somewhere :)):x ...
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Surf Culture (relevance: 3)
by Fidelity999 on Mar 20 2023 02:10PM
I was with some of my long time friends last night We have traveled the world on many many surf trips One of my friends said he thought surf culture has seriously damaged the 3rd world I have seen both positive influences and some damaging T ...
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Let's Go Joe (relevance: 3)
by SeymourButz on Oct 28 2022 03:48PM
Good job skipper. Fourth straight week gain DOW JONES. And you folks said he was a horrible president.
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