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Don Jr. and The Faux Network (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on Dec 13 2021 06:11PM
Well, well so Don Jr. and the Faux Network hosts were calling Mark Meadows on January 6th telling him to tell the OrangeMan to call off his sheeples as they were destroying the Capitol! What is so sad about this was at the time Faux Network hosts wer ...
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Vaccine Patents Reveal The True Intent Behind Mandates (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Dec 11 2021 11:57PM
Nano Bots and Graphine Hydroxide, but wait !. There's more !, etc.. Of Biblical proportions ... I know I know, fake news :)) But you can get the Patents yourselves. Call Now ! .
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Thinning the herd. Trump voters most likely to die for being stupid. (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Dec 5 2021 04:42AM
Well, time and facts(and body bags) are proving that misinformation will get you killed. The number of MORTALITIES can no longer be ignored. “ Misinformation appears to be a major factor in the lagging vaccination rates. The Kaiser Family F ...
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Omicron shares genetic code with common cold… (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Dec 4 2021 10:01AM
The omicron variant is likely to have picked up genetic material from another virus that causes the common cold in humans, according to a new preliminary study, prompting one of its authors to suggest omicron could have greater transmissibility but L ...
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60 Minutes | 1976 Swine Flu Fraud (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Nov 30 2021 11:14AM
History repeats itself. Similarities are frightening..... Comments: Not mine. At 63, I remember the Swine Flu hysteria very well. It was at same time, give or take a couple of years, as the Global Cooling hysteria. Both of which came on t ...
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Quick Fix, Less Politics, More PIX ❤ (relevance: 3)
by ArabianQueen on Nov 29 2021 07:23AM
Let's start the week off right Let's show some holiday spirit Girls post a pic and your location Gentlemen compliment away ❤ Let's make HX fun again Xoxo 😘 Ontario ❄
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Nazis are harassing citizens in Berlin… (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Nov 27 2021 08:35AM
Freedom is going in the wrong direction. Covid compliance raids in Germany. Happening on Karl Marx Street, oh the irony… Comments if liberals are worried so much about destroying the earth, why do they “care” so much about sav ...
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Nordstroms at the Grove ‘smash and grab’ attack by 20 looters (relevance: 3)
by jessicataylorla on Nov 23 2021 06:54AM
Nordstroms at the Grove in LA on Monday night became the latest retail location to be hit by a flash-mob style "smash and grab" looting attack, according to reports. This time, about 20 suspects took part in a break-in at Nordstrom at the Grove.
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Not Guilty (relevance: 3)
by remo_williams on Nov 19 2021 11:36AM
On all counts
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Rittenhouse judge singing and awkward comment (relevance: 3)
by Mr.Horndog on Nov 18 2021 10:17PM
The bald defense attorney looks so douchey. And Republican Matt Gaetz wants Rittenhouse as an intern. I guess Republicans are all out of competent and honest people.
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