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Admitting you're a conservative = admitting you're really stupid (relevance: 6)
by SonOfAdams on Aug 25 2023 01:01PM
I've studied politics for 35 years and polling always indicates that the more education a person has, the more liberal they are in their outlook. Why? Because uneducated people believe the stupid shit conservative politicians try to push--like how ...
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If conservstive cheats why there have been dead people registered as democrats? (relevance: 6)
by on Dec 13 2019 09:46PM
The other thread was locked, but it was literally easier to answer this question than to ignore it. A debunked Fox News article written in 2012 resurfaced in 2018 and made conservative snowflakes express lots of fake outrage. ...
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Today in Gloom - ugh (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Apr 16 2021 06:56AM
Well, the body count is rising 1. Indiana FedEx. Gun + Psycho= You’ve seen the story before, but dang is it getting harder to feel pain and grief over this. 2. Chicago body cam footage. Now that one hurts, because of what the cop ...
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Now Republicans (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Nov 5 2020 12:39PM
It looks like the fat lady is tuning up and about to sing. Here is your chance. For 4 years you have been complaining about how unfair and how badly the left has treated President Trump. Your desire was they would treat him with respect and not ...
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The people that thought this... get to vote (relevance: 3)
by Zeros on Oct 26 2020 06:37PM
i have no words for this blackhole of stupid.
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Deep inside Judy (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on May 9 2020 02:38PM
Attention! Attention! Get to know the person currently leading the lemmings over the cliff! Science magazine has shared a lot about Dr. Mikovitz, and sure enough she’s a hot mess of abusing science to promote incorrect facts. She had furthe ...
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Is the electoral college racist part II (relevance: 3)
by Detroit51 on Dec 15 2019 08:43PM
More ad hominem attacks and the childish attempt to close debate. No the orang doesnt talk to me, he is too busy attacking a16 year old girl. I certainly am not trying to convince anyone by my description of the orangs voters. I am just stating facts ...
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Is the electoral College Racist (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Dec 7 2019 11:16PM
It was stated in another blog that the Electoral College System had its roots in maintaining slavery... which implies it is a racist system. The writer also didn’t like my factory analogy and called it “the dumbest defense of the electoral col ...
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IG Report on FBI (relevance: 3)
by mbc2000 on Nov 27 2019 02:40PM
Oh noooo... you mean trump lied about being spied on..?
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Breaking News (relevance: 3)
by artnjazz on May 29 2018 06:58PM
President Trump has fired Sarah Sanders as WH Press Secretary. Roseanne Barr has been appointed as new press secretary.
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