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I love shitting on Trump Supporters (relevance: 3)
by Mr.Horndog on May 25 2020 12:32AM
Carry on lovelies.
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And the Douchebag of the Century Award goes to: (relevance: 3)
by Mr.Horndog on May 24 2020 08:28PM
@DonaldChump! Winner! Runner up goes to: @Corona_Virus 3rd Place: Tie between @GoBallsDeep & @KaiserSoce
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Interesting data from CDC (relevance: 3)
by phlampson on May 4 2020 10:52AM
Daily death tolls from C-19 expected to continue increasing through the month of May (see slide #11) That would add another 40K+ deaths before the end of this month. This shit is a long way from being over, and it's way worse than the flu.
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Freedom vs Security?!? (relevance: 3)
by kidbilly on May 4 2020 09:32AM
Which do you choose? Go cap!
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How we can keep a safe community when Ca is ready to get back to business? (relevance: 3)
by Sxyvictoria on Apr 20 2020 10:05PM
I know this Pandemic will change our entire life, well , COID -19 affected all of us none way or another. I am wondering if HX guys are willing to meet girls wearing masks and gloves? How we can protect our community? can we find the way to get ...
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Trump might be a shitty president, but... (relevance: 3)
by mcconnoisseur on Apr 17 2020 11:59AM
...he's becoming a savvy politician. He's telling governors to "call their own shots" so if the economy gets worse, he can claim he wants to ease restrictions, but governors aren't cooperating. If governors do ease restrictions and deaths spike, ...
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Anyone on SSI or Benifits? (relevance: 3)
by ArabianQueen on Apr 15 2020 06:42PM
Got your stimulus money yet?
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The Lighter Side of Corona (relevance: 3)
by MagicEsq on Apr 7 2020 07:35PM
With the lockdown there are some musicians and comics who are letting their creative juices flow. On the lighter side of Corona here are a couple of parody songs. Got any Corona humor? For those of us who who could use a good laugh these d ...
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Hitting close to home. (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Mar 24 2020 09:40PM
Well, I knew it would happen, but not the person I expected. My accountant has been diagnosed as positive, and he was already in bad shape to begin with. Took me a decade to find someone who could work with me and my bookkeeping style, and shit... ...
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