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Hidden LA gems (relevance: 6)
by Robthomas on Jul 11 2018 08:06PM
New to LA. Want to see the sights, but nothing for tourists. What do the locals do here for the essence of LA? Don’t suggest Hollywood.
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Another mass shooting by an immigrant (relevance: 6)
by Harpooner on Jun 28 2018 06:42PM
Oh wait, it was just another white guy. Everything is cool, no worries. Carry on, nothing needs to be done.
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Latest US standing In world (relevance: 6)
by teeitup on Jun 28 2017 01:37PM
Here's how much others in the world respect us these days... Way to go home team.
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Reload time (relevance: 6)
by RobBlakeFan on Mar 1 2017 07:42PM
How quickly can you change the clip in your 45 and shoot again?
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Proof that Taylor Swift is spawn of (relevance: 5)
by NigelCollins68 on Jul 18 2024 11:05PM
Satan. Taylor Swift goes from European capital to European capital leaving outbreaks of COVID-19 in her wake. It's too bad that we live in a world trying to pretend that COVID-19 is over. It ain't over. Last month Paul Simon got on X and a ...
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Putin to attack Finland? (relevance: 5)
by jimbo0618 on Dec 17 2023 01:16PM
Since the Republicans are withholding aid from Ukraine, Putin smells weakness in America’s support. He is therefore now focusing on Finland who just joined NATO this past summer. He said that all issues were settled with Finland prior to the West d ...
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Part I GBD's circular obsession/ Part II Fighting against oppression (relevance: 5)
by Rahcrener on Sep 5 2023 07:41PM
Pt I GBD's circular obsession Circular shape means and represents many things, totality, infinity, completeness, full entity, oneness etc...Philosophically speaking, it means completing itself, accomplishing his/her purpose, and it is also related ...
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Japanese Porn Girls (relevance: 5)
by catotheyounger on Aug 29 2023 06:25PM
What do you guys think about me starting a Playboy mansion type scene with 18-24 year old Japanese girls. I'd offer Free Rent, Free 3 Meals a day and citizenship /work visa. I did research and these girls make about $20k-30k at best seeing multiple m ...
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GOP intellectuals' total failure (relevance: 5)
by Rahcrener on Aug 27 2023 11:05AM
This is part II of Now because of Georgia's indictments, we have to switch our subjects to the top of the food chain; Fascism is a right wing (also in name of communism) food chain that requires willing ...
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Lots of dead Russians (relevance: 5)
by sherkahn on Jul 28 2023 08:22AM
Has any noticed the number of important dead Russians lately? Word from European news is that Putin is consolidating power and eliminating possible vipers in his midst, as the Russian mafia has put out a BIG bounty on his head.
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