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Pfizer Bombshell Has Some Explaining To Do (relevance: 5)
by Waterdisport22 on Oct 11 2022 11:36AM
Member of the European Parliament Robert Roos In COVID hearing, #Pfizer director admits: #vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission. "Get vaccinated for others" was always a lie. The only purpose of the #COVID passport: forci ...

Sweden Study: Vaccine protection wanes quickly (relevance: 5)
by Waterdisport22 on Oct 28 2021 09:31AM
From the Lancet. One of the most prestigious Medical Journals. Findings: Protection from infection below 50% after 4 months. No protection measurable after 7 months (Pfizer). AstraZeneca wanes faster, even becomes NEGATIVE. Protection aga ...

Columbus Day (relevance: 5)
by calIvan on Oct 11 2021 10:09AM
Ok. So it triggers people to call it that nowadays but even if he was a heartless genocide inducing son of a motherless goat, dude was important. He still brought european culture to this land, for better or for worse. He still established trade rout ...

How much do you guys pay to get your nails done? (relevance: 5)
by notsofast on Oct 15 2020 01:16PM
I just paid $100 on this: $42 European Pedi $28 European Mani $5 x 2 for buff on fingers and toes $20 Tip I don't feel ripped off, it's kind of a booshie place but I got the whole enchilada with the arm & leg massage, scrub and hot paraffin ...

I Knew it! (relevance: 5)
by sherkahn on Apr 7 2020 12:01PM
Trump�s trying to get rich off of the Covid scare. He has a stake in the French manufacturer of the drug. “ The financial news site MarketWatch and The Washington Post later estimated Trump�s stake to be worth be ...

Where to start today. The Three Amigos (relevance: 5)
by sherkahn on Oct 16 2019 04:05PM
Looks like there Ukraine drama unfolds, as the shadow government that made policy gets some light shed on them. Special Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland Energy Secretary Rick Perry These guys were ...

The new 25% tarif & trade war (relevance: 5)
by sherkahn on Oct 2 2019 07:15PM
A new tariff went into effect today, and now it’s gone too far. A price increase has been applied to the good stuff: Italian cheese, French wine and mother fucking Scotch whiskey has gone up. “The U.S. Trade Representative’s Office relea ...

I was watching Pulp Fiction (relevance: 5)
by lamar on Dec 19 2018 01:00PM
The beginning of the movie they are talking about European McDonalds and in Holland they put mayonnaise on French fries instead of ketchup. I decided to try it. They taste pretty good but I know they can't be good for you.

So what have we learned about US foreign policy this week? (relevance: 5)
by teeitup on Jun 11 2018 09:43PM
The US is friendlier with North Korea than with Canada/European Union. Can't wait for the N. Koreans to help us with our next war or to help stop international hackers

RandomWord of The Day! (relevance: 5)
by Handsomejohn on Nov 22 2017 08:38AM
BAKEMEAT! noun 1. Obsolete. pastry; pie. 2. Obsolete. cooked food, especially a meat pie. Quotes Already the smell of the marriage bake-meats was in the air: they were like to eat them with a sauce of sorrow.
-- E. F. Benson, "The Danc ...

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