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Joe Biden's stock market (relevance: 3)
by GoBallsDeep on May 18 2022 03:25PM
Sea of red on my monitors At least we'll all have the same racial and gender "equity" in our destitution. Biden is awesome! :))
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America is a RACIST country and will always be a RACIST country! (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on May 15 2022 01:34PM
For those who say to the contrary, you have NEVER experienced racism in any form. From the first presidents who had slaves, even during Reconstruction after the Civil War which was fought because the Confederacy did not want slavery to end, the Trail ...
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Roe v wade to be overturned part deux (relevance: 3)
by wunanddun on May 4 2022 09:16PM
Juuuuuuuust to set the record straight regarding notevenslightlyhumorous' last post on the linked blog. The second linked page will take you to the table of supreme court decisions over rolled by later decisions. Take note of the 2 left most ...
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Free Speech? Elon Musk is just a CCP Puppet disguised in a different form (relevance: 3)
by witler5 on Apr 15 2022 02:34PM

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Proof of the existence of U.S. funded Bio-Labs in the Ukraine are no longer a conspiracy theory (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Mar 12 2022 11:38PM
As the majority of US media as well as the federal government refuse to admit the truth about the labs, alternative media outlets have been at the forefront of proving their existence. You have to attack one's credibilty because you can not face w ...
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What do baldwin and biden have in common? (relevance: 3)
by Grumpy_Butthead on Mar 9 2022 04:03AM
Someone else is always at fault. Oh and baffling their fans with bullshit. They do have great smiles. Gotta blame it on? TRUMP
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talking to couple in southern part of UKR (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Feb 28 2022 11:50PM
known for about 6 or 7 years online...they have lived in the area their whole lives little scared and extended family together in deep concrete basements during the air-raids they seem to have enough and don't need anything. vastly differen ...
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President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine. (relevance: 3)
by lamar on Feb 27 2022 12:15AM
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a hero to his people, a brave leader. A hero to me too. I really hope that he prevails over the tyrant. Too bad he can't run for president in the United States because I would definitely vote for him. When was the ...
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Russian Tank Crushes Car Driver Miraculously Survives (relevance: 3)
by Mr.Horndog on Feb 26 2022 03:51PM
War isn't pretty. I love the Russian people but this is fucked up. And Trump was trying to extort the Ukrainian president and praising Putin, what a piece of shit.
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Today in Gloom - Chernobyl (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Feb 24 2022 11:39AM
well, its getting bad fast. Russia just captured Chernobyl.
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