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People suck (relevance: 6)
by Evil_Overlord on Oct 9 2017 10:21AM
I'm a full time Uber/Lyft driver, used to manage a RadioShack for 6 years so I love the freedom of driving. I got a fucking asshole customer who gets in my car after making me wait for 5 minutes so she could get a cup of coffee and a banana from the ...
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Makeup (relevance: 6)
by Evil_Overlord on Oct 1 2017 12:31AM
How many prefer a lady in makeup / no makeup I actually hate women using makeup. It covers their actual beauty to me. It's such a waste to me but I know it makes the ladies feel sexy so I don't say anything. I always tell them how sexy they are wi ...
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Life is funny (relevance: 3)
by Evil_Overlord on Oct 17 2017 11:59AM
Here's one for you liberally minded mental midgets Who's right? Harvey Weinstein: Says Trump talking about grabbing a woman's pussy is deplorable and evil. Even though he rapes women. Trump: Says Harvey actually raping a woman is deplorabl ...
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RadioShack customers (relevance: 3)
by Evil_Overlord on Oct 9 2017 10:59AM
Btw, as stated before I used to be a RadioShack store manager and here's a bit of a laugh for you guys and gals. I ran the store in Rolling Hills, CA and had a older gentleman come in and plop a phone on my counter and say he doesn't like it and ...
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Energy healing (relevance: 3)
by Evil_Overlord on Oct 1 2017 02:52PM
Any energy healers or students here? I'm a practicing Reiki Master, was taught the art by a Japanese master in the 80s when it was still called voodoo medicine. If your interested in Reiki healing do not let your practitioner tell you "of cour ...
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