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Kandi_Kat89 and FiredMedic say FiredMedic is not a shill. (relevance: 14)
by Grumpy_Butthead on Feb 2 2020 10:03PM
Kandi_kat89 has rated both funnybone and FiredMedic in person. A question for Kandi. Kandi_Kat89 are funnybone and FiredMedic the same person? Since you have met both of them it'll be an easy question to answer.
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My Sunday Night Ramble (relevance: 3)
by ScottCharmin on Oct 14 2018 11:41PM
Howdy everyone! with people like Weinstein, Kavanaugh, Brock Turner, and others like them who seem to be getting off easy. I just want to say to all the men, including myself. To look into seeing if you contributed to rape culture in anyway or form. ...
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I know that newbie... (relevance: 3)
by rico619 on Mar 15 2017 06:49PM
Newbie works by me. I've always thought she was hot but never tried to pursue it. Ladies I really would appreciate your input.....Should I see her? FYI this is awesome lol
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