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Aussie Sky News call out Biden. US media still silent. (relevance: 6)
by flash911 on Feb 20 2021 07:27AM

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Buttigieg drops out (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Mar 1 2020 05:57PM
Well, fuck, there was someone I would have paid good money to see debate Trump for Presidency. Looks like Pete is aiming for the VP part of the ticket. Oh, and Speaking of VP, Michelle Obama is being pushed hard after the South Carolina win.
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Goodbye. -Gemini (relevance: 3)
by 917_NIKITAAMORE on Jun 8 2021 02:26PM
I'm turning 25 soon and I will be out of town for my birthday for a bit. Will miss you all
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Any dentist in the house? (relevance: 3)
by Esmeeplease on Aug 27 2020 11:38PM
Is there any HX dentist who can squeeze a paying customer in ASAP? Please pm me if your out there... hero with a cape ;)
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Tell me what kind of music you like and I'll tell you whether it sucks or not... PART 3 (relevance: 3)
by juliuscaesar1 on Jul 29 2020 08:20PM
No Hip Hop, Kaiser's a Soft Rocker, and GBD's fluffing the Drummer.
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Geico commerical with RATT (relevance: 3)
by heliman on Apr 22 2020 09:11AM
I hate all those stupid insurance commerials but i can finally stand this one.
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Newsom declares California a Nation State (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Apr 9 2020 09:10PM
Here we go. California has stopped playing nice with the Dump administration. They have stopped waiting for Trump to get essentials to the state to help the people. The 5th largest economy *may* split off from the rest.
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biden team is looking very exciting (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Apr 8 2020 03:09PM
President Joe Biden Vice-President Stacy Abrams Treasury Sec. Warren Sec. Health/Human Serv. Sanders Attorney General Harris Sec. of Labor Yang Sec. of Defense Buttigieg Sec. of State Klobuchar Each campaigning on how they’d run their o ...
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Wait a minute, but OK (relevance: 3)
by HotRodHarry on Apr 4 2020 09:27AM
I got in line this morning at the grocery store, as the store was controlling people coming into the store. A store employee opens the door, looks around, looks at me and says, "Sir, you can come in". There were a few people in front of me, so I lo ...
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Death Row how to go? (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Feb 21 2020 10:29PM
Did you see there are multiple death row inmates in Tennessee opting for the electric chair rather than lethal injection? If you had to go..... Lethal Injection Electric chair Hanging Firing squad Which one? Why? Are there any other LE ...
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