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motivation / don't give up (relevance: 3)
by Ferrari444 on Sep 6 2024 06:17PM
did you know that walks Disney was turned down by 26 banks before he got the loan to start Disneyland?? and that was just the beginning! don't give up on your goals and keep the vision alive! you can do it!
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Level zero to level hero (relevance: 3)
by Ferrari444 on Aug 28 2024 06:50PM
how do I raise my score ??? how long/ how many peoples ratings / or network do ii need to get to level 1?? love to know :) thx
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Nestlé doesn't have valid rights to water it's been bottling, California officials say (relevance: 3)
by witler5 on Apr 24 2021 04:19PM

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