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How are you? (relevance: 3)
by TheWickedWitch on May 20 2022 12:42PM
Do you know the answer to this question? I personally do not ask myself so I do not know. I’m not sure why people are so hung up on wanting to know all the time. I personally don’t think about it nor would I like to know. If it’s a salutati ...
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Pisces season ✨ (relevance: 3)
by LeilaLuv on Feb 26 2022 05:30PM
Happy birthday to my Pisces and March babies!!! My birthday is next month March 2nd! I’ll be partying and being extra 🥰 Nothing but the best vibes 🥰 Xoxo Leilaluv
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On the next episode of Gloom (relevance: 3)
by TheAlterEgo on Feb 23 2022 09:54PM
Oh yeah, China's coming for Taiwan! They don't fear Biden!
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I have to update my will (relevance: 3)
by FlappyNutSack on Feb 1 2022 09:11AM
In light of my recent Air Fryer (peace be upon it) purchase, it's clear my estate plan needs to be updated. Let me know if you want it. Preference given to single Moms. No "I Air Fry for Single Moms" t-shirts though.
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Anyone else getting buzzed today? (relevance: 3)
by FlappyNutSack on Oct 1 2021 12:15PM
Yesterday it was the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds going right over the house, and today the Thunderbirds are it again. I'm sure the Blue Angels will practice this afternoon. Can't wait for the airshow this weekend! Anyone going?
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Let's talk about hygiene! (relevance: 3)
by MissTaylorChase on Sep 2 2021 08:07AM
I recently got into a discussion with someone about using a wash cloth in the shower. Or at least a loofah. They were adamant it wasn't necessary, that a hand and some soap would suffice. People. PEOPLE. For one, dead skin cells need exfoliated. F ...
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Bombshell: An Average Joe got an on the record addmission the virus has not been isolated (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Aug 4 2021 11:26PM
So what are we testing for again? Dr. Jane Ruby is joined by hero-activist Patrick King who fought the government of Alberta, Canada and had successful results. In open court and it's on record three times. .
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Laptop (relevance: 3)
by DahliaLove on Jul 5 2021 02:16PM
Alright you tech brainiacs!!! I would love some suggestions, I am buying a new laptop.. AGAIN! It seems like every two years maybe three, mine takes a dive. I use it mainly for work presentations, work meetings and inventory.. things of that nature. ...
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Blessings? (relevance: 3)
by ForeversRaven on Apr 6 2021 07:57PM
This past week 688 .00 was placed on my old ebt card, the first thing I thought and did was to pass on the blessing ! The person I called and offered 100.00 grocery's to just called and told me he found 688.00 on his ebt card today! Agian m ...
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Should they get "hero" pay? (relevance: 3)
by GoBallsDeep on Feb 14 2021 03:51PM
Not those idiot grocery workers, lol I'm talking 'bout the ladies of HX :)
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