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Todays numbers (relevance: 6)
by Frankbear22 on Sep 13 2022 07:34AM
Inflation continues to go higher. WTF!!!!!! The Inflation Reduction Act was just passed and all you whiny ass liberal man bitches said it would drop. Joe, like STD's, is a gift that keeps on giving
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Trump in Jeopardy, part 3. 2 things for certain (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Aug 9 2022 03:59PM
It’s time to take a look at those taxes, and follow the money, as the Democrats have been granted access to 45’s taxes by the courts.
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Ran out of freaking gas (relevance: 3)
by TheWickedWitch on Sep 11 2022 10:26PM
6 percent on my phone . Lovely. Mayday mayday … Do u copy
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Trump fringes (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Sep 9 2022 09:44AM
Updates on other things “Trump being flushed down the toilet.” - trump has his lawsuit against Hillary Clinton tossed out. A federal judge in Florida has tossed a racketeering lawsuit that Donald Trump filed against Hillary Clinton and a sl ...
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Mr. Trump sells nuke secrets part 5 - blagodaryu vas (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Aug 16 2022 06:23AM
That’s Russian for “thank you”. They are so grateful for Trump sharing secrets that they are going I ternario al with their support for him. Which comes as a surprise, because Igor was not a fan of Trump while he was in office. Now he is ...
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CDC Now Admits Covid Is Just The Flu (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Aug 12 2022 11:28PM
So you had nothing to worry about after all. and now there is study after study that,... 40,000 thousand dead in this country alone. From the Emergency mRNA shot. People need to be charge and spend Life in Prison. That is all there is to it. ...
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selling nuke secrets - 2 (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Aug 12 2022 07:09PM
you would think after 6 years of this...over and over. best to wait it out...anytime the LEFT/MEDIA start going crazy like they finally got it? --- they don't GOT shit but just maybe...this is the time :)
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