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What to do, What to do (relevance: 3)
by melissabunny25 on Sep 5 2020 08:36AM
I have thoroughly enjoyed my stay in San Diego, sadly, today is my last day.... I want to eat some vegan food and some affogato. Suggestions Pleaseee :X
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Which song do you vibe out to? (relevance: 3)
by TheAlterEgo on Aug 13 2020 08:07PM
Habitually I mean you play it in many occasions Houstonfornication...Travis Scott Driving to work Driving at night Parties Heavy bag Bench press Deadlifts Speed bag Yoga Airport travel Reading Work Literally every occasion even ...
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Did the George Floyd Protests lead to the recent increase in coronavirus cases? (relevance: 3)
by DudeLebowski on Jul 2 2020 04:19AM
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Trump might be a shitty president, but... (relevance: 3)
by mcconnoisseur on Apr 17 2020 11:59AM
...he's becoming a savvy politician. He's telling governors to "call their own shots" so if the economy gets worse, he can claim he wants to ease restrictions, but governors aren't cooperating. If governors do ease restrictions and deaths spike, ...
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HX MEMBERS read this important coronavirus information (relevance: 3)
by DudeLebowski on Apr 1 2020 01:35AM
Please read this article below. It breaks down the risk of getting the virus from intimate contact. Understand this virus is extremely serious. It progresses very fast, to very bad in the body. Im looking around and I don't understand the mine se ...
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CORONAVIRUS Symptoms Checklist (relevance: 3)
by DudeLebowski on Mar 28 2020 12:21AM
I know all this shit is driving people crazy taking their temp.many times a day hoping they don't have it. Heres a list of things to look for. If you have one or two it doesn't mean you have the virus but you should be alerted. A coronavirus is ...
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Roll Call (relevance: 3)
by AvaAllure on Feb 10 2020 08:17AM
Roll Call, your city and your Nationality! Me I move alot so my city is Unknown ____ I'm Mexican!
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WTF Steelers (relevance: 3)
by Grumpy on Nov 10 2019 02:06PM
Go Rams Go. Thats number 2 guy on the Steelers can't ramrod a game worth a fuck.
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NOT "Indigenous Peoples' Day": Six Reasons (relevance: 3)
by IMNventR on Oct 14 2019 07:26AM The SJW crybabies and other assorted fools who whine about Columbus are really saying they wish they'd never been born. Because that's how it would be but for Columbus. Don't exp ...
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Manscaping services (relevance: 3)
by Enjoy_it on Aug 6 2019 08:29AM
Anyone know if there are locations that offer manscaping services in the IE?
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