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Going to be a long night (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on May 31 2020 11:20PM
I thought those were coyotes outside my window down the street. Nope. Looters planning mayhem. The proper authorities have been notified.
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campaign fund raising (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Sep 1 2020 12:34PM
Biden and DNC over 300m in august....double what Hillary did in the same period 4 years ago...maybe only 165m for trump and RNC over the same period get the investigations started :) pretty amazing how they are both doing...texts, emails, a ...
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Theory: COVID-19 started in a Chinese lab, not a market. (relevance: 3)
by Night-Rider on Apr 15 2020 07:42PM
It seems more and more likely that the coronavirus came from a well-respected Chinese lab. I can’t wait to read what nutty conspiracy theories you guys could possibly dream up about this! My take: Chinese researchers were probably studying t ...
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Creative Ways Of Telling Your SO That She or He Needs To Drop Some Pounds (relevance: 3)
by ARTFROMLA on Jul 9 2018 06:38PM
Humor me with creative suggestions: How can you motivate your SO to drop some pounds? My strategy so far has been to say things such as: "I want you to live a long life.....lets do X, Y, Z activity"
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