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Which President would be better handling a national crisis Obama or Trump? Round 2 (relevance: 15)
by hornitoss on May 14 2020 01:22AM
I think Archie Bunker is the best one to answer this question!! The Dude's Round 1:
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Tim Scott Mic Drop (relevance: 12)
by jazz51 on Jun 26 2020 12:03PM
Both parties can keep talking back and forth..... But tell me why the Democrats dumped on Scott and his Crime Bill... It gave them nearly everything they wanted, but they actually called it a 'token' the black Senator who researched, wo ...
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Time to get into a new career (relevance: 12)
by sherkahn on May 24 2020 08:09PM
After looking at all the crowds, I think it’s time to get into the funeral business or probate real estate. Besides the disease, I’ve heard of people in my social circle getting into physical confrontations with people of other political views ...
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Whiney Thresher’s ACTUAL problem (relevance: 11)
by KaiserSoce on Jun 22 2020 10:06PM
Let me help you all understand whiney Thresher’s (Retardo)problem. He didn’t understand what were acceptable terms to be used in the blogs... so me... like an idiot thought I would help him out. It was obvious he is dumb as a box of rocks. ...
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45, the real snowflake (relevance: 9)
by Mad4boobs on Oct 15 2022 11:50AM
brilliant!! its about time someone calls out, not only 45, but also his base...that is really baseless. i like that, his baseless base. "They just have a feeling (that the election was stolen). And in fact, Trump uses that too in this enormously ...
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So long Bruce Willis (relevance: 9)
by sherkahn on Mar 30 2022 11:22AM
Looks like Bruce Willis is out of activity as he is showing signs of aphasia, an inability to communicate verbally and understand spoken word.
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Most Democrats Say They’d Flee, Not Fight, a Ukraine-Style Invasion (relevance: 9)
by GoBallsDeep on Mar 11 2022 03:30PM
"A Progressive is someone too broad-minded to take his own side in a quarrel. :)) The pollster asked: What would you do if you were in the same position as Ukrainians are now, stay and fight or leave the country? Shockingly, more than half of Dem ...
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14th amendments of the Constitution (relevance: 9)
by sherkahn on Feb 10 2022 12:24AM
“Thou who follow false prophets shall burn.” No, wait that’s not it. Here it is: Section 3: “…no person shall be a member of the House if, having previously taken an oath to support the Constitution as a member of Congress, the per ...
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Now that is some serious.... (relevance: 9)
by jazz51 on Jul 14 2020 09:08AM
Now I think I have seen the most 'stacking' I have ever seen. Best way to shut down discourse and dialogue is to post 13 straight comments on a blog..... :)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)): ...
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Another hostile takeover by Trump over Southern District of NY and Voice of America (relevance: 9)
by thresher001 on Jun 19 2020 10:24PM
I am stunned and I don't know what to say about this SOB' behavior
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