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Getting used to minimal clothing/ semi nudist lifestyle because of the lockdown (relevance: 3)
by freespiritla on May 30 2020 09:24AM
Just realized, I have not used most of my wardrobe- with the lock down and "work" from home lifestyle. Life is simpler with fewer clothes. Anyone noticed it? I like this nudist/semi nudist life style. Feels very free and relaxing. I recommend it.
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Trump is just a millionaire posturing as a hero of the working class. (relevance: 3)
by Mr.Horndog on May 23 2020 09:45PM
He's nothing but an incompetent liar.
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I LOVE our Industry! (relevance: 3)
by chenninblanc2018 on May 20 2020 05:24PM
Years ago my Husband and I made a decision to join the Adult industry and to this day I will NEVER forget what it has given me. I love to look back on the days when I was sitting on sets wondering what or who I was going to do,{Literally}. I was thin ...
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Hate to say “told ya so” (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on May 20 2020 04:14AM
But some people have to learn the hard way. “ Two churches in Georgia and Texas that reopened recently amid the novel coronavirus pandemic have since closed their doors again after churchgoers and religious leaders tested positive for the viru ...
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It's Morning in America again (relevance: 3)
by phlampson on May 5 2020 05:52PM
Woops. I guess I spelled it wrong.
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SHIT Talking Cowards (relevance: 3)
by AddisonParker on May 2 2020 01:37PM
Just curious how pathetic and lame to you have to be in order to PM a person and talk some shit and then block a person from responding? What does that mean? That they cant handle the harsh ugly truth? Or that they are just a little bitch? Just a ...
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Phase 3 is still months away. (relevance: 3)
by NigelCollins68 on Apr 28 2020 03:27PM
In a press conference this afternoon Governor Newsom indicated that the hard lockdown would end in a few weeks, probably by May 15, 2020. The six counties of the San Francisco Bay Area, however, have already announced that the hard lockdown would be ...
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Kern County Dr. Erickson video taken down by YouTube (relevance: 3)
by icexdragon124 on Apr 28 2020 12:36AM
Anyone seen the video? It had some interesting points
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New York antibody study estimates 13.9% of residents have had the coronavirus (relevance: 3)
by Night-Rider on Apr 23 2020 12:46PM
"With more than 19.4 million people residents, according to U.S. Census data, the preliminary results indicate that at least 2.7 million New Yorkers have been infected with Covid-19." So what is the death rate then, based on this estimate? 11 ...
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Can I please? 💜 (relevance: 3)
by N8ked.Ninja on Apr 17 2020 02:03AM
...get mail or points (or both) If you have any to spare send my way. I would very much appreciate it! Hope everyone is staying safe, good vibes to YOU.
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