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Laid off (relevance: 3)
by madisonbeyond on Mar 20 2020 11:44AM
Until further notice. Guess my job was non essential. Anyone else in same situation?
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Been hiding out from Coronavirus day 5 (relevance: 3)
by Natcruzla on Mar 12 2020 10:46PM
But what are we supposed to do. No one wants to go bowling tonight. I want more Moscato. I've been watching YouTube videos all day long. I can go back to the beach house or maybe B.Hills but I'm bored over there too. Oh my goodness. The bachelor ...
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Anyone signing up for a cruise? (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Mar 6 2020 07:20AM
I made a life decision to never cruise again after news of the great poop cruise of 2013. If I were on that ship near San Fran... I’d have to call a friend with a boat... jump ship and swim/float til he picked me up. Glad iPhones are waterpro ...
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The HX Credit Card (relevance: 3)
by GinaGalaxy on Mar 4 2020 02:55AM
Imagine! A HX Credit card! WOULD you apply? If it came with a loyalty reward program? Lol Wal-Mart, Macy's, Chevron, Delta have their own line. What if a site like this did too? Only.... - - - IN a galaxy far far far away..
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Is CORONA VIRUS going to change your dating practices? (relevance: 3)
by bigdude24 on Feb 28 2020 12:17PM
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Joe Biden pt 2 (relevance: 3)
by Alexisalexis2.0 on Feb 26 2020 06:08PM
Wow Granite- your profile says 55 which puts you on the cusp of boomer, but I’m gonna place you in that generation. So you rattle off some accusations of entitlement at the younger generations, and in typical boomer fashion your assessment is based ...
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What’s worse? (relevance: 3)
by ladodgerfan on Feb 20 2020 11:00PM
A liar or a thief? I say a liar. Most thief’s eventually get caught. But a liar never stops the lies...even when they get caught! Your thoughts?
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Rod Fucking Blagojevich (relevance: 3)
by Harpooner on Feb 18 2020 07:20PM
Tell me how happy you are that Trump commuted his prison sentence because it was “a tremendously powerful, ridiculous sentence in my opinion." The fucking guy is on tape saying he’s not going to just give a Senate seat away without getting any ...
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Thinking about my next blog... (relevance: 3)
by GinaGalaxy on Feb 10 2020 11:28PM
Any suggestions?
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NH primary (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Feb 10 2020 09:39PM
25 percent of people at the trump rally were registered democrats probably safe to say trump will be taking NH in novemeber
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