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Luv for HX (relevance: 6)
by Mr.Horndog on Jun 27 2020 12:59AM
The Republican conservative party wants to suppress the platform we're using. When has their party ever acted to benefit the interest of our community? Remember all those old sites that are now gone? Some of you want to bash AOC, yet she's fighti ...
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Hello (relevance: 3)
by HunnyXx on Feb 4 2021 03:46PM
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Hunter, Hunter, Hunter (relevance: 3)
by flash911 on Sep 23 2020 09:11AM NOT a conspiracy theory.
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Hollywood Intelligencia (relevance: 3)
by jazz51 on Aug 13 2020 01:21PM
I am always amazed at what actually comes out of the mouths of the Hollywood types. But I do believe this conspiracy theory posed by Jamie Lee Curtis might move into my top 10. Trump supporter is stealing a mail truck so Trump can steal the ele ...
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New Jersey Voter Fraud (relevance: 3)
by jazz51 on Jun 29 2020 03:56PM
Gosh, we don't need to worry about mail in ballots.....nothing wrong will every happen..... Oops....this is just further evidence that wholesale mail in ballots can easily lead to voter fraud. Of course, I am overreacting....and Republicans h ...
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WHITE folks.. Doin' the Damn THANG. (relevance: 3)
by FATFUKK on Jun 7 2020 04:46PM
I gotta say it's pretty cool to see white folks all over the country , and the globe. Extending a hand , and supporting the peaceful 'movement' . Again, its pretty refreshing... I'm gettin' all teary eyed and shit.....:) Also, BIGS UPs to other's ...
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Using the Military Against US Citizens (relevance: 3)
by Harpooner on Jun 4 2020 01:25PM
Retired generals James Mattis and John Allen (both highly respected) have voiced their opinion that Trump’s threat to deploy soldiers on US soil is a very dangerous idea. Trump’s own secretary of Defense comes out against. How fucking stupid ...
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shut the cell phones off (relevance: 3)
by heliman on May 31 2020 07:35PM
Most of the protesters cant find their ass from a hole in the ground without a cell phone to tell them what to do or where to go. all the news agencys are telling them through reporting where to go next saying their're no cops around so they go ov ...
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Praise Orange County! (relevance: 3)
by Crystalcrossxoxx on May 25 2020 04:37PM
So happy Orange County decided to be the rogue county and open things up lol. Sitting by the pool at my hotel and loving every second of it soaking up the sun ☀️ 😍
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And the Douchebag of the Century Award goes to: (relevance: 3)
by Mr.Horndog on May 24 2020 08:28PM
@DonaldChump! Winner! Runner up goes to: @Corona_Virus 3rd Place: Tie between @GoBallsDeep & @KaiserSoce
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