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Covid is no joke but some of you (relevance: 5)
by KaiserSoce on Jul 16 2020 06:55PM
Hey both of you clowns who said.... “So, unless you do what I do I suggest you keep your comments to yourself... Really? That’s your argument? “Respect my authoratah!” Sorry friends, but no. That isn’t how it works ON THE INTERNET ...

400 million dollars gone in hypersonic speed. (relevance: 3)
by Normal_Guy on Mar 20 2022 11:52AM
Now here something you don't see everyday, the aid the Biden/Brandon gave to Ukraine all 400 million dollars worth in weaponary and munitions gone in a matter of seconds from a HYPER SONIC MISSLE. ...
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The sad state of vaccination... (relevance: 3)
by NPembrush on Jun 5 2021 10:50AM
When people are afraid of vaccines that the stupid state has to a f'ng $50,000 lottery if you get vaccinated.
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