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Accurately Computing Profit Margins in Small Service operations (money talk) (relevance: 6)
by TheAlterEgo on Jan 2 2018 09:33PM
How do you accurately calculate profit margins in a service business? Profit margins is the net gain ($ made), to find that you subtract your Losses. Losses include transportation cost, supply cost, non-value added labor etc. Any good business ...
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OK, let's just list the men who (relevance: 6)
by teeitup on Dec 13 2017 09:42PM
aren't degenerates or gropers. Will be easier. Cross Morgan Spurlock and Tavis Smiley off that list. Also, probably 25 - 50% of the big name chefs and restaurateurs. Now we're getting into the sports personalities...OK, cross off about 75% of them ...
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Who’s next? (relevance: 6)
by KaiserSoce on Nov 29 2017 11:21AM
It started with Roger Ailes a year ago... and has been picking up steam. Matt Lauer this morning.... now some “famous” radio guy out of Minnesota (I never heard of him) Who will be the next high profile (name we would all know) person to fall ...
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HX friends... (relevance: 6)
by hazelxoxo on Nov 19 2017 05:58AM
I’m so new to HX and I don’t really know anyone on here! But how do you get leveled up??
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Roy Moore - Lustful Evangelical Sinner! (relevance: 6)
by jimbo0618 on Nov 9 2017 07:09PM
He reminds me of Jimmy Swaggart! Cursing those that he deem sinful but doing the dirty himself! There goes his candidacy and life as he knows it. I did not hear a peek out of Bannon who supported him against Drumpf's candidate who Drumpf disavowed a ...
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Gas prices, way up? (relevance: 6)
by teeitup on Nov 8 2017 06:36PM
My local station raised gas prices Nov. 1 18 cent even though the state tax only went up 12 cents. And a Costco raised the price 22 cents...WTF? Anyone else notice that sneeky move.
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Empty Barrel (relevance: 6)
by Mr.Brightside on Oct 20 2017 03:22PM
I guess this is a new racist term now.? This woman Fredirica Wilson is un-hinged!
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Life is funny (relevance: 6)
by Evil_Overlord on Oct 17 2017 11:59AM
Here's one for you liberally minded mental midgets Who's right? Harvey Weinstein: Says Trump talking about grabbing a woman's pussy is deplorable and evil. Even though he rapes women. Trump: Says Harvey actually raping a woman is deplorabl ...
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Makeup (relevance: 6)
by Evil_Overlord on Oct 1 2017 12:31AM
How many prefer a lady in makeup / no makeup I actually hate women using makeup. It covers their actual beauty to me. It's such a waste to me but I know it makes the ladies feel sexy so I don't say anything. I always tell them how sexy they are wi ...
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Healthcare argument (relevance: 6)
by teeitup on Sep 25 2017 05:08PM
Does the healthcare argument simply come down to: 1 Cover more people and spread the cost out over more people (even though the overall costs will go up) or 2. Cover less people and spend less money so the overall cost is less in the future ...
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