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She said she loved me after sensually dancing (relevance: 30)
by HunterBee on Jun 6 2023 12:17PM
Should I believe her? Did my dance moves really win her over? Will we dance away into the sunset?
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I fell in love (relevance: 24)
by HunterBee on Mar 28 2023 11:05PM
But I’m sad because I’m not korean. I love korean women.
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Hunter03 (relevance: 18)
by mercedes21 on Jun 12 2023 11:13PM
seeing him, rated him and now is not a valid account I was his first.
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It didn't work out (relevance: 15)
by HunterBee on Jul 20 2023 06:24PM
I thought she really loved me..... but only benny has her heart
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wedding at the yacht (relevance: 15)
by HunterBee on Jun 29 2023 10:03AM
Are we in love? Will we surf into the sunset Or will we sink like the submarine?
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So Many Profiles , So Weird (relevance: 14)
by Mr.Horndog on Jun 14 2023 07:12PM
EdmondDantes, TheAlterEgo, HunterBee, PeteMalloy, Abe_Froman, FernandaFuentes, kev9313, JuliaLaRosa, XimenaGarcia. These are all the same person. Talk about a weirdo. RicoSuave21 = GoBallsDeep The conservatives have to make up profiles to ...
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In Tears (relevance: 12)
by SeymourButz on Jun 14 2023 06:45AM
Did anyone else see the thousands of supporters crying, and in emotional tears when President Trumps motorcade traveled thru the city. The streets were clogged with well wishers. Such a beautiful sight to see all the support this precious man has. ...
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Sensually Dancing (relevance: 12)
by PeteMalloy on Jun 2 2023 10:35AM
I get a lot of pm's ... Some ask about : What is sensually dancing ? Millennials :)) =)) They have no frame of reference to Saturday Night Fever nor Dirty Dancing ;) Here's a good video to teach you how to sensually dance ...
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Trump and his Call for Protest! (relevance: 12)
by jimbo0618 on Mar 18 2023 11:17AM
Donald Trump needs to be held accountable for his many crimes against the American people and the Constitution! He started an insurrection because he lost the 2020 election fair and square with his continuous lies and conspiracy theories! Over 1,000 ...
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Do you tell her? (relevance: 12)
by HunterBee on Mar 17 2023 12:19AM
Do you tell her you love her?
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