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Admin, please squash Doofy Doom Dood's Lying and Crying (relevance: 3)
by GoBallsDeep on May 23 2020 12:58PM
Please! =))
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New data on hydroxychloroquine (relevance: 3)
by phlampson on May 22 2020 06:47AM
Anyone still want to take this?
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Kern County Dr. Erickson video taken down by YouTube (relevance: 3)
by icexdragon124 on Apr 28 2020 12:36AM
Anyone seen the video? It had some interesting points
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Appropriate Retirement... (relevance: 3)
by RoxyBugatti on Aug 2 2019 08:01PM
Just curious what age does everyone think is the best age to retire from this life? Or does it have a lot to do on genetics lol..
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Top 15: HX Most Used Female Handle Names (relevance: 3)
by happyguy63 on Jul 31 2019 05:10PM
Totally unofficial and with no decent methodology. Yes too much time on my hands and bored with political blogs, so did some crunching.... 1. Alex, Lex, Lexie, ... 345 2. Cathy, Kathy, Kat, Cat, Katie, Katy ... 300 3. Rose ...
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True National Emergencies (relevance: 3)
by Healer on Feb 15 2019 05:45PM
Cancer Global warming Gun violence Infrastructure (bridges, highways etc) Health system NOT the southern border lol What else?
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Kap wins (relevance: 3)
by redbull09 on Feb 15 2019 12:32PM
So burnsie you said he wouldn't get ten cents? NFL just settled with of course no comments from either side, also known as Trump non disclosure, for the collusion case. Want to bet it was a lot more than ten cents? Go kneelers!
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Energy healing (relevance: 3)
by Evil_Overlord on Oct 1 2017 02:52PM
Any energy healers or students here? I'm a practicing Reiki Master, was taught the art by a Japanese master in the 80s when it was still called voodoo medicine. If your interested in Reiki healing do not let your practitioner tell you "of cour ...
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DropDeadBeauty (relevance: 3)
by Healer on Sep 23 2017 07:48PM
I like to welcome Charlotte Crosby to the United States and To Hx :D
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Breast Lump (relevance: 3)
by babii-finesse on Feb 22 2017 11:44PM
Found out I have a lump on my left breast that may be breast cancer. My doctor checked it and was pretty sure its cancerous. Have an appointment on Monday at 10:45 for a biopsy. But my dumb ass didn't get insurance and have to pay $1500. Hopefully ...
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