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The real issue in American politics (relevance: 15)
by TomTraubert on Aug 6 2023 03:50PM
is not what DJT did or did not do. It's how brain dead bat shit crazy stupid democrats are: "Did Donald Trump believe the 2020 election was stolen? Who knows? Discerning his thoughts would be as challenging as breaking into an iPhone without the p ...
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What rhymes with Eulogy? (relevance: 12)
by TheAlterEgo on May 23 2023 09:58PM
His fanaticism for rapper groupies
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For Jimbo (relevance: 12)
by GoBallsDeep on Apr 18 2022 04:51PM
Here you go, ya homeless basket-case............ In the LA Times yesterday: "When Gov. Gavin Newsom and state lawmakers settle on details of a new California budget in June to provide another year of government services for almost 40 million pe ...
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DOCS case on hold until after the election (relevance: 9)
by InsearchofStarfish on Oct 6 2023 07:38PM
pretty sure that will go nowhere if he wins Classified documents Judge pauses pretrial deadlines as she considers Trump's request to delay trial until after 2024 election
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Tropical storm - the morning after (relevance: 9)
by sherkahn on Aug 21 2023 07:27AM
Looks like Palm Springs took a beating. Baja California footage shows water up to people’s second story. Lots of debris washed out of Compton.
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War Zone (relevance: 9)
by SeymourButz on Feb 20 2023 03:37PM
Biden visits Ukraine undetected. Let that soak in.
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Rachel Madcow Maddow and 6 million dollar question. (relevance: 9)
by Normal_Guy on Feb 15 2022 01:29AM
Here a question for you wacky liberals, so Rachel Maddow, you know miss "Trump tax return", "Russian Hoax" pusher. She has a cushy job of about 6 million a year roughly, she walking away from that to work on a documentary that no one has any inte ...
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If you had to bang one nasty democrat... (relevance: 9)
by azzmanforever on Nov 8 2021 07:41PM
Would it be: 1. AOC 2. Kamala Harris 3. Pelosi 4. Rashida Talib 5. Elizabeth Warren *this post is purely for entertainment purposes LOL
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Left-wing extremism linked to psychopathy and narcissism (relevance: 8)
by Eulogy on Jun 5 2023 08:23PM
Well didn’t need a study we have seen the psychotic rambling of hey1 and MA1 Maybe the 1 in their names signify their deep narcissistic love of cock BTW where is the America hating racist libitwat mad4cocks ? This study is about him for su ...
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If you don't condemn these actions... (relevance: 8)
by wunanddun on Sep 22 2022 06:14PM
Please shut the fuck up on any issue regarding immigration or political asylum. This especilly applies to sherkhan, mad4boobs, hey1, ma1 and that really silly woman that went on a racist rant the other day.
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