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Boob Tour (relevance: 3)
by catotheyounger on Oct 4 2023 10:23AM
Sate, sate (Alright, alright) Clock is running out. Quiting my job this year and have a lot of stuff I want to do in the next 16 years. For starters, this coming year I have a few things to try out: 1. A boob tour. I want to follow various work ...
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Govt Shutdown (relevance: 3)
by TomTraubert on Sep 26 2023 06:55PM
Funny. When did it become the Republicans SOLE responsibility to pass a budget? McCarthy can pass a budget f he wanted locater to the extremists in his party. But not one single democrat is willing to help him out. Because Democrats WANT a govt shutd ...
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Biden in a nutshell (relevance: 3)
by TomTraubert on Sep 18 2023 02:02PM
"President Biden on Friday denied a report that special counsel Robert Hur is seeking to interview him as part of an investigation into Biden’s alleged mishandling of classified documents. “There’s no such request and no such interest,” Bide ...
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Entire media LYING about FDA "approval" of new COVID vaccine (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Sep 17 2023 09:53AM
What a surprise ! The look of terminal shock in your eyes. No Pigs are not what they seem, Yes this is a bad dream. Only 8 mice tested as reported by News Week, of all places. .
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22 years ago today (relevance: 3)
by SeymourButz on Sep 11 2023 04:10PM
When 9/11took place. God bless all those affected. And who was in charge....A Fucking Republican. JFK was assassinated by who....wait for...wait for it....A Fucking Republican. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by who.......A Fucking Republican ...
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GA trump grand jury floor person - holy shit (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Aug 25 2023 06:38PM
this shit is too funny
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Admitting you're a conservative = admitting you're really stupid (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Aug 25 2023 01:01PM
I've studied politics for 35 years and polling always indicates that the more education a person has, the more liberal they are in their outlook. Why? Because uneducated people believe the stupid shit conservative politicians try to push--like how ...
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Trump mug shot, part 2 (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Aug 25 2023 08:37AM
Latest numbers show Trumpnis in deep dung outside if his fanatics.
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Wagner leader Prigozhin dead? (relevance: 3)
by lapierre on Aug 23 2023 12:04PM
Allegedly he was onboard a private plane from Moscow which crashed and all 10 pax died. how convenient for Putin?
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Plan to Kill 90% of the Population Announced by Gates/Kerry (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Aug 22 2023 12:04PM
They cause the problem, cutting off the fertilizer, depleting the food, then blame Cow farts cause Global Warming, and everyone gets to suffer. Storeable food would be a wise investment. So prepare for Covid 2.0 .
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