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Competence, Intelligence, and Empathy (relevance: 3)
by mbc2000 on Dec 29 2019 03:00AM
Ever since the Republicans realized she was a threat to the white male political establishment of the GOP, Republicans have taken every moment to smear her with lies and innuendo. Most Republicans dont even know why they hate. Most of the things they ...
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Lisa Page (relevance: 3)
by mbc2000 on Dec 2 2019 01:51PM
Finally we get to hear from another career federal employee defamed by trump.
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Seriously ... the sequel (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Nov 22 2019 11:31AM
“Anyone fighting that hard has something to hide.” - The Dude That is the kind of flawed thinking that is beginning to dominate our society. Guilty until proven innocent... even if there is nothing to substantiate the initial charge. To ...
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Impeachment? Who Gives A Shit (relevance: 3)
by sleepyone on Nov 17 2019 07:29PM
For those posting for or against impeachment, the majority of Americans don’t know or give a shit.
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My Account Got Hijacked (relevance: 3)
by Grumpy on Nov 1 2019 08:51AM
My account was just hijacked. If you see it, please report it to the proper authorities. I'm not responsible for what will be said on it. Now go fuck yourselves.
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What do Conservatives believe in? Do they need a new name? (relevance: 3)
by AcesUp on Oct 30 2019 07:13AM
The traditional conservative beliefs seem to have changed. Can't really use the word conservative anymore to describe the Republicans. What would be a better title?
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Happy Halloween trick or treat (relevance: 3)
by Dee_lipsjuicy on Oct 28 2019 08:33AM
It's Monday starting Halloween week so you got any suggestions on what I should be for Halloween?😍😘😋😉
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Drone warfare is here. (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Sep 14 2019 05:02PM
The world’s biggest oil processing center has been hit by rebels using drones. Its one thing if a major oower like the US uses them, but now even militia are using them for a complicated attack to leave this kind of damage. Oh yeah, gas prices a ...
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My First Live American Football Game... (relevance: 3)
by Jamie_LB on Sep 2 2019 10:09AM
Was a most exhilarating experience!!! I am not a fan of crowds and frankly I have no idea what is going on, but there is something about all those delicious men running around that'll have anybody in heat losing her otherwise logical mind. I th ...
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Republican Party learning from Saudi Arabia (relevance: 3)
by coolhotavi50 on Jul 10 2019 10:11PM
Saudi Arabia: In Saudi Arabia, Every Saudi woman must have a male guardian, when she walks outside , normally a father or husband, Blah blah blah Mississippi Republican: Mississippi politician says female reporter must be accompanied by ...
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