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Gun rights advocates, isn’t requiring concealed carry permits infringing on 2nd Amendment? (relevance: 6)
by 2small4porn on Aug 5 2019 10:42PM
Two questions for gun rights advocates: I quickly looked up the requirements for getting a “concealed carry” and per Google, the CA penal code requirement entailed: 1. You are of good moral character; 2. Good cause exists for issuance of ...
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Covid is done (relevance: 3)
by Angler1 on Feb 9 2022 06:05AM
Now what LIBTARDS, climate emergency? =))
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When It Rains It Pours: New York Bar Association Banning Rudy Giuliani From Practicing Law In NY (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Jan 12 2021 11:25PM
Pretty sad, those of you who continue to take right wing idiots like him seriously. Objective organizations are calling out Trump's henchmen for what they are. In the case of Giuliani: Unfit for the legal profession. Walmart, Disney & other com ...
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If (relevance: 3)
by TheWickedWitch on Aug 5 2020 11:03AM
If you were super wealthy all of a sudden and all the time in the world what’s the first thing you would do?
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Impeached (relevance: 3)
by StrawberryWin3 on Dec 18 2019 05:46PM
It's been done. It's over you can all go home.
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Conservatives can relax (relevance: 3)
by bangkoklvr on Dec 12 2019 01:03AM
Even though Comrade Trump will be impeached next week, there is nothing to worry about. The rich, will not pay any taxes this or next year. They will not pay one cent. See: Your dreams have b ...
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King James gots problems now (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Oct 15 2019 04:17PM
When I heard it this morning I was like, this is going to be fun to watch.
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NOT "Indigenous Peoples' Day": Six Reasons (relevance: 3)
by IMNventR on Oct 14 2019 07:26AM The SJW crybabies and other assorted fools who whine about Columbus are really saying they wish they'd never been born. Because that's how it would be but for Columbus. Don't exp ...
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