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Smarter than the Generals? (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on Sep 14 2021 01:32PM
Draft-Dodger Trump boasted that he was smarter than his generals when making decisions! Thank God for General Milley and all of the other military officers who secretly met to make sure that the nuclear codes were safe from that war-mongering idiot! ...
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Today in gloom: death star (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Sep 6 2021 01:31PM
Well, we now have a good idea what will happen when the sun attempts to kill us. “An international team of astronomers flipped it again in 2018 and found that a planetary nebula is indeed the most likely Solar corpse. The Sun is about 4.6 bil ...
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Does anyone find it somewhat odd... (relevance: 3)
by jackrabbit33 on Aug 2 2021 09:32PM
That a fourth DC officer who was called in to defend the Capitol on Jan 6th has just "died from suicide"...? Wow... what are the odds?
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Former US senator Barbara Boxer mugged (relevance: 3)
by lamar on Jul 27 2021 07:21PM
Former Senator Barbara Boxer was mugged and assaulted in Oakland, California, on Monday. According to a tweet from her official account, the former California lawmaker, 80, was pushed in the back in Jack London Square, before her mobile phone was ...
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Mercedes Mechanic? (relevance: 3)
by LunaDreams on May 30 2021 08:55PM
Hi Guys I have an older Mercedes stuck in Limp Mode.. I need the shifter PIN is broken and an alternator needs to be replaced.. All offers will be considered. Thank you
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what the fuck happened at the border? (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Mar 23 2021 08:51AM
holy shit...they won't let the media in to report on it? the VP is cackling on simple questions...can't even give a decent answer...then went to the GO-TO...which is WE inherited a disaster
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TV shows/movies (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Mar 20 2021 10:07PM
clicked into hulu to see what i can watch...have THE LAST SHIP selected...always waited for and watched the episodes as they came out on TNT, but had a new DVR put in and lost all the recording setups. so missed the last season or 5 years ...
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Modeling Tips (relevance: 3)
by ArabianQueen on Mar 3 2021 12:55PM
So I'm looking into starting a new pro modeling gig out in Las Vegas. Any tips or advice from any former models or photographers is appreciated 🥰
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Rush is gone part II (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Feb 18 2021 12:49PM
Our resident genius, Adams said this in part I “Rush started this divide between left & right by making up crap about the left.” So... the divide started in 1988 when Limbaugh hit the airwaves. Good to know. The left hated Rush... becaus ...
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Is it just me or cant the Trump Derangement Syndrom Libatards move on? (relevance: 3)
by gordonschumway on Feb 15 2021 04:25PM
They started crying and bitching the day after the election and continue to this day...they can't let go...except maybe to fart!!!!!!
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