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Libtard Ladies of HX (relevance: 9)
by Irishpilot on May 20 2017 08:06PM
Does it ever occur to the ladies on the board that you might be losing attention (business) as a consequence of your extreme left-wing posts? As a matter of fact, why post any politically biased comments at all if you are here to support your life s ...
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Best gift to give yourself.... (relevance: 3)
by jaydensosweet on Jan 5 2020 08:07PM
With my birthday slowly creeping up (beginning of May) I thought it would be nice to treat my self to something real nice.I normally don’t care too much to go all out on myself because I do all year but this year I thought it might be nice,maybe so ...
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What's everyone (relevance: 3)
by Lovely_Ana26 on Dec 30 2018 06:46PM
Got going on for New Years? Im thinking of watching the fireworks as far from the strip as possible. It's going to be crazytown down there forsure. Whatever it is your planning, stay safe and call an uber if you have been drinking... stay safe and ha ...
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