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Roe v wade to be overturned part trois (relevance: 3)
by GoBallsDeep on May 13 2022 02:41PM
"The same thing can be said about GBD's question, 1st or 2nd or 3rd trimester, I never thought about it before. We are strictly talking about the rights to abortion. That is all. Again, I am not a physician, and never asked women to do abortion. I am ...
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The Lie of Diversity (relevance: 3)
by witler5 on May 9 2022 03:43PM

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Today in Gloom - Kyiv is about to fall (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Feb 25 2022 12:22PM
NOW Putin is open to talks. Damn, I thought the Ukrainians would last longer.
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Clinton debunks Durham (relevance: 3)
by Normal_Guy on Feb 16 2022 07:25PM
Well while other news agencies try to pretend Durham investigation doesn't exist, and that WOW WAR WITH RUSSIA ANY MINUTE NOW. THE WAR WAS SUPPOSE TO HAPPEN TODAY, THE 16 BY THE WAY AND IT NEVER HAPPEND. Hiliary Clinton has debunk the Durham in ...
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RIP Kelly Erny, part 2 (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jan 5 2022 04:18PM
Well, looks like the cuckoos are out and about. While there are those that are happy that Erny did not pass the Darwin test, it seems that those who should support her are turning against her, as they believe she died BECAUSE she took the vaccine, ...
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Psychosis of COVID Hysteria Come Home to Roost (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Dec 26 2021 08:12AM
The Chickens of the Collective Psychosis of COVID Hysteria Come Home to Roost News out of Vermont paints a bleak picture of just how harmful the collective psychosis of COVID hysteria is, a phenomenon that seems isolated to heavily Democrat ...
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Revolution taking place? Unvaccinated are being arrested in NYC (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Dec 16 2021 05:45AM
#BreakingNews multiple protesters against mandates were just arrested at Applebee's in queens NY for trying to order food at a vaxed only restaurants — Leeroy Johnson (@LeeroyPress) December 16, 2021 M ...
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ICU recovery story… Man left for dead was saved by Ivermectin (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Dec 2 2021 07:54AM
COVID patient left for ‘dead’ recovers after court forces hospital to allow ivermectin treatment NAPERVILLE — An elderly, critically-ill COVID patient who was repeatedly denied ivermectin has made a full recovery after a court ordered t ...
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Alert —Australian Defense Forces are ‘transporting citizens & families to Quarantine Camps (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Nov 23 2021 11:55AM
Northern Territory chief minister Michael Gunne has called in the Australian Defense Force to help transfer positive Covid cases and close contacts to Quarantine Camps. Comments: And you wonder how nazi germany or fill in the blank fascism ...
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Record high gas prices. (relevance: 3)
by qwiksilver on Nov 15 2021 07:03PM
Thank you Newsom for raising the state gas tax to 51 cents a gallon. Thank all the voters who defeated the recall effort to remove Newsom.
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