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Recordings of police shootings (relevance: 3)
by 917_NIKITAAMORE on May 29 2021 05:54PM
I just saw the new VICE documentary about this subject. The video was gruesome. It's difficult to strike a balance within this ongoing issue in America. The narrative is a bit compromised either by the editing or verbal fluency to get the point acros ...
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Civil Rights Lawyer Explains Options For Employees Who Are Being Forced To Take Vaccine (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on May 22 2021 12:16PM
Give this letter to your employer. It's not legal advice and has no copy right provision. Also it may take 3 to 5 years before any side affects may appear. From Viva Barnes law firm; As follows... .
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It’s not just in Az; it’s been everywhere for 20 years! Part 3 (relevance: 3)
by Night-Rider on May 10 2021 04:44PM
So, let me get this straight. According to flash911, the whole point of the audit is to uncover this vast conspiracy of Democrats, rhinos, media, big tech, the ccp, corporations, globalists, and social justice warriors, and whoever else I left out ...
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Liz Cheney Ouster Vote (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on May 9 2021 10:33PM
The RePubicans are going to ouster Liz Cheney from her leadership position this Wednesday as 3rd in charge because she spoke the truth about the fake despot and prolific liar Orange Trump and the weak Repubican party! Liz obviously has more balls tha ...
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Today in Gloom - panty raids (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Apr 28 2021 11:11AM
Who the fuck am I kidding, this isn’t gloomy at all. Just one more step closer to nailing the Trump family to the wall and letting their fortunes fall. Weeeeeeeeeee!!!!! “ Federal investigators on Wednesday executed a search warrant at the ...
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Super Straight (^0^) (relevance: 3)
by CHVCKY on Apr 2 2021 11:12AM
its been a while since ive been having fun around these parts. i miss you old farts and your unhealthy obsessions with the duopoly, trolling boomers on parlor was fun while it lasted and these past few months have been turbulent af. now that Q a ...
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Floyd trial on now (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Mar 29 2021 09:13AM
watched few minutes of opening remarks of both sides he might be getting the absolute LEAST of all charges, outside of a total NOT GUILTY (not sure we could afford the property damage that is about to occur :)
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Vaya con Dios, Ted Cruz,part 2 (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Feb 19 2021 12:28PM
Oh oh. Looks like mixed messages are making everyone look worse: 1. Fox News tried to spin the Cruz escape as a justified use of his time, until they were contradicted.... by Cruz himself. ...
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Gloomy News for Trump and Democrats (relevance: 3)
by GoBallsDeep on Feb 19 2021 11:22AM
From Trumps own pollster, post election analysis: In 10 highly competitive states that he won in 2016, he lost 5 in 2020. Trump lost in those states even though the electorate was more Republican in 2020 than in 2016. Largely due to a massive sw ...
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Is it just me or cant the Trump Derangement Syndrom Libatards move on? (relevance: 3)
by gordonschumway on Feb 15 2021 04:25PM
They started crying and bitching the day after the election and continue to this day...they can't let go...except maybe to fart!!!!!!
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