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Heads in hands, a whisper, a sigh: Senators react as violent footage of Capitol riot plays at Trump (relevance: 3)
by upsilon on Feb 10 2021 06:15PM
We should be ashamed. This will be remembered in history as bad as the league of eight nations invading the Chinese capital in 1900. We have the league of morons unleased by the jerk in chief. Every leader knows that they should contain these peop ...
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pelosi and the dems always FORGET their is tape/history (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Jan 27 2021 05:15PM
just one of the many many things that divide the country SHORT MEMORY? Nancy Pelosi slammed as a hypocrite for praising storming of Wisconsin State Capitol in 2011
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Stock tips 2021, part deux (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jan 27 2021 04:47AM
Well, shit, how did I miss this one? GameStop went from $20 to $150 in a fucking month. (Yeah, it’s gonna crash soon) A $1000 investment at the beginning of the year is now almost $13K. Sheee-iiiiiiiiit.
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The FBI Needs Your Help To Find These Criminals (relevance: 3)
by ARTFROMLA on Jan 19 2021 08:57AM
Click below for an FBI link. It shows some of the faces that stormed the Capitol a couple of weeks ago. The manhunt is on and there are rewards for a few. Would you turn in a family member for a $1000 reward?
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Listening to Soon-to-be President Joe (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Jan 14 2021 04:44PM
Still not a fan... but it is nice to hear a measured, thoughtful tone from our president.
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COVID Vaccine (relevance: 3)
by aurora40 on Jan 12 2021 07:51PM
Who's had the vaccine yet? Any side effect you're experiencing or experienced?
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Trump conceded (relevance: 3)
by upsilon on Jan 7 2021 05:20PM
You chicken out when you could have gotten your buddy killed. You will not know what your buddy Pence will do to you.
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Woman shot in Capitol was from SD (relevance: 3)
by juniorcalon on Jan 7 2021 08:15AM
News posted her name + picture and home. Now I wonder what her family will be thinking when they drop her in the ground. 1) She was a patriot standing up for her country. 2) she was one delusional BSC bitch. I pick #2, Alex.
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Drumph is criminally deranged (relevance: 3)
by jarhead1183 on Jan 3 2021 11:09AM
Wow, I understand the lost cause cult members still following this criminal, but it’s the reasonable, well educated Republicans that I don’t get. To an earlier comment on a different post about the constant Trump bashing, if there was nothin ...
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CV-19 death rate (relevance: 3)
by flash911 on Nov 27 2020 08:55AM
FTA: "All of this points to no evidence that COVID-19 created any excess deaths. Total death numbers are not above normal death numbers. We found no evidence to the contrary," Toldya. NR will say it's all BS, this Johns Hopkins newsletter stuff ...
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