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Candace Owens on george floyd (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Jun 6 2020 09:25PM
she is looking pretty hot here :) Candace Owens: "I DO NOT support George Floyd!" & Here's Why! michael jordan needs to stick a portion of that 100m with someone like her
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If you want to see the hypocrisy of #BLM (relevance: 3)
by Zeros on Jun 4 2020 02:20PM
If you want to skip right to it, its at 2:30. But the whole video is worth a watch.
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Just watched Trump (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Jun 1 2020 04:17PM
Is it me... or is he and his hair less orange? 🍊
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What Trump did so far (relevance: 3)
by thresher001 on May 31 2020 04:02PM
Unjustifiable violence by a white police officer on a black person in Minneapolis was too much to bear for anyone who already has been suffering from covid-19 lockdown due to the lack of proper responses from Trump Administration. New Coronavirus ...
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Race Issues in America! (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on May 26 2020 08:20PM
For those of you white people on HX who think that race is not a problem in America, please watch the video of the Minneapolis officer killing the Black man by pressing his knee in the nape of his neck! Total disregard for this man’s life especiall ...
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I hate hypocrites... (relevance: 3)
by phlampson on May 26 2020 07:50AM
...and Trump is the Hypocrite-in-chief. And before some of you dumbfucks cry "Fake News", be prepared to say what is fake about this. Numbers don't lie, even if some idiots think 2+2=1
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why no responses to my PM's (relevance: 3)
by Justify on May 20 2020 04:23PM
am new to the HX community, am I missing something when I send someone a PM, only gotten a response from people that know me from other venues..Is there some secret handshake or codeword that I'm missing
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Professor Lockdown doesn’t have a great track record (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on May 9 2020 04:32AM
This is one of the guys that pushed us into this. I don’t blame Trump. I don’t blame Coumo. I don’t blame Newsom. I blame biased information brokers who pass off their agenda as science. Leadership is a tough gig. You make the best decis ...
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Is Sweden doing it right? (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on May 3 2020 11:43AM
Their numbers are higher than their locked down neighbors... but ... How do you measure acceptable deaths -vs- thriving economy? Not sure how to do that math. So... is Sweden doing it better?
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the finger to gov. newsome part 2 (relevance: 3)
by heliman on May 1 2020 08:28PM
Went down pch to hb today around 4. Some demostrators there. Looking at the news at 8pm looks like there was a bigger demonstation earlier . Some people on the beach . i think theres going to be a bigger revolt this weekend.
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