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Just Fucking COMPLY! (relevance: 6)
by MMarblez on Aug 26 2020 05:57PM
Then these Cops won't have to make a bad decision and I can watch the fucking Laker game! But NO, ignore police, get shot (should have been tazed) and now riots and shit - including NBA players fucking up my evening. Now the other sports faggot ...
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BLM strikes again (relevance: 6)
by InsearchofStarfish on Aug 11 2020 01:30AM
i see this...i smile. when are people, companies and sports leagues going to wake the fuck up to these fuckers...13 cops injured and 60million in damages. Every week i keep saying this is it, but it's not...i guess we will find out in november if ...
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Candace Owens on george floyd-2 (relevance: 6)
by InsearchofStarfish on Jun 7 2020 04:27PM
let's see very cute, touching news clips of "----------- changed the world"...plastered all over the TV and print not one funeral, but multiple celebrations with celebs...Sharpton giving the eulogies, Biden to meet with family Monday and have ...
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What's your preferred Clorox plan (relevance: 6)
by Run-key on Apr 24 2020 04:52PM
Some people like injecting it, some people like drinking it. I feel like being on some ol' Breaking Bad shit and crystallizing it!!! Get loose y'all!!
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PLEASE STOP Attacking us girls with stupid comments and blogs (relevance: 6)
by ArabianQueen on Apr 1 2020 08:08AM
You can blog all you want about covid, but do not attack the girls posting and active. Keep your comments to yourself. If you don’t like it stay in your room and blog about what you want not attacking girls or putting us down for posting.
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Any Point in leaving a bad reference? (relevance: 6)
by PlasticinePorter on Oct 5 2018 09:17AM
I mean REALLY? The other person is just going to ding you back and no one will ever know who is right or wrong. I experienced some seriously bad behavior from one of the ladies on here, but as far as I can tell she's not the least bit remorseful an ...
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Trump Dislocates Shoulder part 2 (relevance: 6)
by jazz51 on May 28 2017 05:28PM
Mr. Horndog.... "You failed to mention there was also a surplus which is why Obama made that decision. The bottom line is, that it's not beneficial if you are a first time homebuyer." Do you understand the FHA? They are REQUIRED to maintain a ...
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RFK Jr and the CIA, is Trump next ? (relevance: 5)
by AFMadness on Apr 30 2023 11:03AM
By Greg Reese; Greg, There is no Magic Bullet. The bullet came from the driver of the Limo, then the Governor of TX. While the one riding shot gun holds the steering wheel. It was pretty stupid to use a Stainless Steal gun that shows up nicely on ...
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The Viral Delusion: The Tragic Pseudoscience of ... (relevance: 5)
by AFMadness on Sep 13 2022 10:51AM
... SARS-CoV-2 & The Madness of Modern Virology Coming to Ickonic this Thursday: The Viral Delusion tells the story of the doctors, scientists and journalists who examined in detail the scientific papers that were used to justify the pandemic, ...
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CDC Center For Dumb Citizens (relevance: 5)
by Normal_Guy on Jan 16 2022 05:03PM
Since they admit that mask don't work, CDC even saying N95 provide the most protection, then what about all the people that been wearing cloth mask for 2 years? How come they didn't drop dead. So now we have this: ...
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