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John_Legend1 (relevance: 7)
by on Oct 8 2022 12:06PM
You said the left are bitches that "cry about feelings", yet you PM'ed me just to talk shit and then blocked me because you couldn't handle the heat. You have a fragile ego and you're projecting, it's hilarious. It's funny when you people call oth ...

MilkAndHoney updating profile every minute? (relevance: 6)
by John_Legend1 on May 27 2019 10:50AM
Please stop.
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Welcome to the rich state of California (relevance: 3)
by Grumpy_Butthead on Jun 6 2023 04:20AM
Amnesty state
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4:48 am new uploads (relevance: 3)
by Eulogy on May 31 2023 07:16AM
MA1 says yes ! A big yes !
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