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Kandi_Kat89 and FiredMedic say FiredMedic is not a shill. (relevance: 3)
by Grumpy_Butthead on Feb 2 2020 10:03PM
Kandi_kat89 has rated both funnybone and FiredMedic in person. A question for Kandi. Kandi_Kat89 are funnybone and FiredMedic the same person? Since you have met both of them it'll be an easy question to answer.
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Bolton's new relevation in his book - Kobe Bryant raped him. (relevance: 3)
by remo_williams on Jan 27 2020 05:27PM
One baseless allegation deserves another. Just thought it was funny - perhaps ill timed, but funny.
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Useful puppets (relevance: 3)
by Mr.Horndog on Jan 23 2020 10:41PM
Trump likely withheld aid from Ukraine as a way of thanking Putin for help with the brainwashing propaganda his countrymen provided that helped him get elected. A Ukraine without aid makes the Russians stronger and is of no benefit to Americans. W ...
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Earthquake - 3.6 in San Fernando (relevance: 3)
by j502 on Jan 22 2020 12:08AM
11:41pm. Who felt it?
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Can you think of a movie (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Jan 4 2020 09:26AM
where the sequel was as good or better than the original? I am watching Alien right now. This was a great movie when it came out. I think Aliens was just as good... if not better. But I can’t think of any others I feel that way about.
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Does Nancy have the votes? (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Dec 16 2019 02:51PM
It’s starting to look shakey! If she postpones the vote ... you know there is trouble. She will not allow the vote to go forward if she doesn’t have enough. They will surely lose some Dems... but how many? Republicans seem unified. Pelo ...
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Thousands of 'penis fish' appear on California beach (relevance: 3)
by Nacraman on Dec 13 2019 01:21AM
Seriously, you can't make this stuff up. they're called "Innkeeper Worms" but really nature is funny sometimes...
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Cyber Monday (relevance: 3)
by RoxyPiper on Dec 2 2019 01:53PM
Not that I need anything but I don't see any good sales this year. Did you buy anything today?
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Rams Game Tonight (relevance: 3)
by Beerhero13 on Nov 17 2019 10:50AM
Is anyone going? Who is gonna watch?
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NBA looses money (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Oct 17 2019 09:00PM
Wow, this Chinese issue is really hurting players where it hurts. Their pocket books. Some rough (very rough) economic numbers are coming out of the debacle of the HK Support by Houston team owner, and it looks like $500 million dollars may or may ...
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