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Why California is making the homeless problem worse... (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Sep 20 2019 03:34AM
Article from Forbes.... Sorry... no flame throwing... just reasonable analysis of past and present policies and their outcomes.
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The Craziest thing happened in the Post Office earlier today. (relevance: 3)
by DudeLebowski on Sep 5 2019 12:05AM
So I was in Hollywood and was trying to mail a letter. I stopped at the post office there some place I've never been and wanted to get some stamps. Im standing in a good size line that takes forever. Im looking right ahead of me and there is this Ind ...
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Tell Me (relevance: 3)
by AddisonParker on Sep 4 2019 01:27PM
CAN it Be any fucking hotter? My room is a cool 69 degrees. "If you have to be fucking hot, be hot from fucking!"
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My First Live American Football Game... (relevance: 3)
by Jamie_LB on Sep 2 2019 10:09AM
Was a most exhilarating experience!!! I am not a fan of crowds and frankly I have no idea what is going on, but there is something about all those delicious men running around that'll have anybody in heat losing her otherwise logical mind. I th ...
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Thoughts on Mia Khalifa? (relevance: 3)
by stella4u2018 on Aug 13 2019 12:53AM
I feel like she's one of the reasons people think we're stupid.
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Manscaping services (relevance: 3)
by Enjoy_it on Aug 6 2019 08:29AM
Anyone know if there are locations that offer manscaping services in the IE?
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The Caravan, part 3 (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Oct 23 2018 06:45PM
My ex-significant other and her church group have checked in. Safely made it down to the Oaxaca state southern border shared their donations, said their prayers and took care of a few people for a day and returned. Needless to say they are shocked ...
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im a little late for the black n white party but im here now (relevance: 3)
by TheWickedWitch on Oct 19 2018 12:14AM
I cant help but to notice the recent blogs regarding racism and what not. Heres a bit of information. Its all fact and you can take it however you wish but it might help you out. then again i could be wrong. OK here goes... I’M INFORM ...
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skin problems. Exzema, Psoriasis, etc. (relevance: 3)
by hippydude on Nov 29 2017 06:28PM
Are non communicable skin problems an issue? Are gals ok with it as long as your clean otherwise?
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Froggcock's war against the right (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Nov 25 2017 05:47PM
Before intermission, a 3 year old blog... not about Trump... became about Trump. (Surprise!) It began to wind down with Frogcock's assertion that Trump is not "self-made" because starting in the late 70's he "parlayed" part (nobody actually knows wh ...
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