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Bloggers with no women in their network (relevance: 14)
by Mr.Horndog on Mar 1 2020 12:47AM
Why are these people allowed on the site? KaiserSoce GoBallsDeep L777 These members do not make the site safer. I'm sure there are others.
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KaiserSoce had a fence pole in his ass (not in the good way) (relevance: 10)
by KaiserSoce on Jun 28 2020 09:23AM
For context: Dud @Kaiserpermante Dude stop trying to straddle the fence, you're a MAGA red hat wearing Trump supporter that just has a problem admitting it lol Trump is racist what he says and his polices. Wants to ban Muslims, build a wall to sto ...
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KaiserSoce is right again, this time on politics. (relevance: 7)
by Night-Rider on Oct 9 2019 02:37PM
"Do you know how I know Trump can win again? Because Swing voters don’t care about the Washington shit show. They care about their job, their family, their neighborhood. I could vote for Biden. Never Warren. So all that will be left is Trump." ...
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If the science told you to jump off of a bridge... would you? (relevance: 6)
by KaiserSoce on Sep 27 2020 05:15AM
I just read that on another blog. I guess the real answer depends on which science.... If jumping meant I would avoid being hit by a train, I might. If the bridge was on fire... I probably would... But hey.... that “Mom reasoning” can’t be ...
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Masks Part 2: Trump wore a mask today! (relevance: 6)
by Night-Rider on Jul 11 2020 05:16PM
At Walter Reed. Probably required. But still, good job Donald J.!
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Another hostile takeover by Trump over Southern District of NY and Voice of America (relevance: 6)
by thresher001 on Jun 19 2020 10:24PM
I am stunned and I don't know what to say about this SOB' behavior
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It's Morning in America again (relevance: 6)
by phlampson on May 5 2020 05:52PM
Woops. I guess I spelled it wrong.
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Should government take a pay cut (relevance: 6)
by heliman on Apr 23 2020 08:17PM
We know the president gives away his paycheck. Shouldn't congress, senate, and other higher end jobs take a pay cut? They're laying off city workers and cutting back their hours to make up the tax loss for closing up the country.
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Corona Virus INFORMATION (relevance: 6)
by DudeLebowski on Feb 26 2020 04:04PM
CNN's Sanjay Gupta answers top questions on coronavirus KEEP UPDATED! Listen to this video by CNN's Sanajay Gupta it talks about how someone can catch it. On top of this info I would try not to come in direct contact with someone who has been to A ...
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Trump Iran Lesson 2 (relevance: 6)
by KaiserSoce on Jan 9 2020 02:34PM
Concerning Trump Don’t love him. Don’t think he is a good guy. Don’t like his persona. Don’t think he is a racist but is culturally obtuse. I think policy-wise he is doing a pretty good job. I would prefer he not tweet so m ...
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