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Tramp was honest about one thing (shock face emoji) (relevance: 15)
by teeitup on Oct 20 2018 10:38AM
He won't have time to play golf as much as Obama...cause he's gunna be out of the White House campaigning almost non-stop from now until the election. Hell, nothing else going on that he cares about. "This election is about me so get out and vote" ...
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Looks like the US is becoming another Middle East (relevance: 9)
by teeitup on Nov 1 2018 08:42PM
First, we'll have a wall between us and them. Next we'll shoot stone throwers at our borders and in our streets. I bet the next step will be to build US settlements in their country. So who wants to go live in the US of Rosarito. Or maybe we just st ...
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Impeachment of Trump, Day 2 (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Nov 14 2019 07:41PM
Politics November 14, 2019 / 3:09 AM / Updated 35 minutes ago U.S. envoy Sondland did not link Biden probe to aid: Ukraine minister the impeachment process is just what some on the fence need
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Too Much Dick (relevance: 3)
by MMarblez on Apr 9 2019 09:31AM
or not enough....My favorite dicks is Dick Van Dike and racecar legend Dick Trickle (
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God wanted Trump to be prez (relevance: 3)
by Wilzediam on Jan 30 2019 10:48PM
So said Sarah Sanders. That actually explains a lot.
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Write a Sad Story using 3 Words (relevance: 3)
by Sasha_Oc on Jan 17 2019 11:26AM
I didn’t win !
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Can't Rule Out Eorking With The Russians (relevance: 3)
by Harpooner on Jan 17 2019 08:30AM
Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani just said he can’t rule out that members of the Trump campaign may have worked with the Russians during the election. Now, I say this with love and respect, but if you still support Trump, you are an ass-eating, cock-suck ...
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Whats your favorite candy? (relevance: 3)
by SkyZone69 on Dec 12 2018 03:12AM
Late night cravings involve a new creation of brownie mixed with ice cream and bacon....... yumm
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Is it ok for uninvited guests to force themselves onto your property? (relevance: 3)
by Himes_Soul on Dec 11 2018 04:54PM
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Busted (relevance: 3)
by Grumpy on Oct 26 2018 03:47PM
Trump bomber is now in custody. Looks Russian too.
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