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Oh look biden not extending student loan forgiveness and payments to resume (relevance: 3)
by tacobandit on Dec 14 2021 12:42AM
Lets see Sky high gas Sky high inflation Shit job growth Not taxing rich and infact gave them 3b in tax cuts Russia and chinas bitch Has he kept a single promise? Orange man bad am i right?
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Coca cola recall (relevance: 3)
by ArabianQueen on Dec 11 2021 12:59PM
And coolaid minute maid sprite If you have any of these throw them out
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Promises made promises kept (relevance: 3)
by tacobandit on Nov 17 2021 05:24PM
Remember when biden promised to tax the rich? Pepperidge farms remembers Instead he will give them nearly 300b in tax breaks I couldnt imagine voting for this clown because of mean tweets. Any remorse yet bidentards?
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the good news is you plague rats don't have to worry about vaccines anymore (relevance: 3)
by DeLaine on Nov 16 2021 03:09PM
you can just bathe in borax afterward so ffs go get your shot, bathe in some caustic chemicals and let the rest of us move on with our lives
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Nancy Pelosi makes white power sign… (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Sep 30 2021 01:32PM
Speaker Pelosi just Falsely claimed the House Democrats' $5.5 TRILLION package will cost "zero" dollars. Cost Zero Dollars….BUT we need to raise the Debt Ceiling to pay for it.. I am so confused. And Nancy...please do not gives us the "ok" ...
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We are so screwed (relevance: 3)
by tc270 on Aug 30 2021 06:31PM
So I was on the road today listening to John and Ken and they played a portion of Biden's press conference today - if you can call it that. It was sad listening to him trying to put words together, lots of um, eh, um.... Anyway, at the end he said ...
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Did Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene have an ad here? (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jul 17 2021 10:41PM
Fucking twits came to spread shit and had their venues cancelled on them three times. They were so despearate for an audience they had a peaceful protest at Riverside City Hall exterior. And that generated more protestors than supporters. Sig ...
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Survey Says! (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on Jun 30 2021 06:58PM
A survey taken by over 200 Americans ranking U.S. Presidents has Trump in the 41st place out of 45! Even George Bush had a better ranking than Ole OrangeFace! I thought that he would be 45 of 45 to be honest with you. He was in 45th place under the c ...
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Arrest Imminent as Agency Heads Blow Whistle (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Jun 7 2021 11:41PM
Robert Barnes of joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the failure of the globalist establishment to lock down society with a fake pandemic due to growing resistance from the people. Some of you ought to be real ...
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Now what ? (relevance: 3)
by mbc2000 on Jan 28 2021 04:41PM
Really, trump fed the beast by giving them recognition. That's all it took. Trump, being the asshole he is knows this about the crazy white supremacists. All they want is love. Trump literally tells them just that. "We love you. " Right before they s ...
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