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Con - gress pushing for new 'Domestic terror laws' (relevance: 3)
by Atticus_Finch on Jan 24 2021 01:43PM
The breach at the capital's really got the idiots in con-gress freaked. So much so they're going to attempt to take more Constitutional rights away. 'Governing' from a place of fear is never a way to actually govern a country. Hopefully there a ...
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Trump Punks Out! You Coward Bitch! (relevance: 3)
by OVAHERE on Jan 7 2021 07:59PM
After all this time? Talkin all that shit for the past 4 years! After you encouraged your base to not go peacefully to the Nation's Capitol. All it took was a hint of invoking the 25TH and maybe instant Microwaveable impeachment. Now, Yo ...
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It's the end of the world. Pornhub no longer allows downloads (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Dec 17 2020 03:05PM
I thought I unintentionally hit a wrong button (or they were forcing me to become a Premium--paying--member) when I found I couldn't download any videos the past couple of days. I wrote to Customer Service & they sent a link to an explanation on the ...
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Trump got creamed. Give it the fuck up already (relevance: 3)
by Sly69 on Dec 16 2020 02:15PM
I indulged myself by reading the comments leading up to the election but fatigued hearing from all the Trump loving morons on this site. A bunch of ignorant, uneducated, red neck bottom dwellers that belong some where in the deep south cavorting with ...
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Joh Lennon. (relevance: 3)
by thedon60 on Dec 8 2020 04:01PM
Continue to Rest In Peace. Your music and voice are sorely missed. Just Imagine
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Treason (relevance: 3)
by mbc2000 on Dec 5 2020 09:26AM
Now it comes down to this. Anyone who can watch this and say NOTHING is not an american. Trump is tearing apart OUR government. Literally.  This is the worst thing possible. He has the abilty to hurt every single person, pet, bus ...
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Trump paid $3 million to recount Wisconsin election only to prove Biden won even more votes there! (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Nov 28 2020 10:46AM
This guy must be a glutton for punishment. How does it feel to lose over & over again in the same state, retard? :)) Keep it up, Wanna-be Mob Boss! You're showing you're the biggest loser on the planet! AGAIN! :D
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US Civil War , part 3 (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Nov 20 2020 02:16PM
Just got word that one of the guys who works next door quit his job in safety and security and his other career (do my want to give him away) and is setting up a training school for coworkers for the coming Civil War. Ugh, here we go.
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Will Kamala be the first VP to ever have (relevance: 3)
by Kayman on Nov 14 2020 10:32AM
sucked a dick?
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WTF was that shit Trump did tonight? (relevance: 3)
by DudeLebowski on Aug 27 2020 09:54PM
Hey Trump shills please tell us that having 1000 people sitting right next to each other( only a few wearing masking) on the Whitehouse lawn in the middle of a pandemic to listen to Trump's extremely weak ass speech tonight was a good thing.
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