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Trump Having Trouble Finding People To Send Him Off Tomorrow Morning, Offering +5 Tickets To No Avai (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Jan 19 2021 01:00PM
"Anthony Scaramucci was right: The White House appears to be having trouble rounding up a sizable crowd for President Trump's official send-off from Joint Base Andrews in Maryland on Wednesday. "In what looks like a desperate attempt to build a cr ...
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When It Rains It Pours: New York Bar Association Banning Rudy Giuliani From Practicing Law In NY (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Jan 12 2021 11:25PM
Pretty sad, those of you who continue to take right wing idiots like him seriously. Objective organizations are calling out Trump's henchmen for what they are. In the case of Giuliani: Unfit for the legal profession. Walmart, Disney & other com ...
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Everyone On Parler Got Doxxed (relevance: 3)
by gg1234 on Jan 11 2021 10:10AM
Those of you who made accounts on Parler need to be careful. Be wary of any service that asks for your phone number or other information that could be used to identify you in real life. More details are in the links below.
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Bounty hunting is a complicated profession (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jan 8 2021 07:10AM
Well, we’re finally here. DC police are offering $1000 for the names of people who invaded the Capital. $5,000 if you haul their asses in and can look presentable during trial. And the idiots posted their pics on social media, so this is eas ...
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What are you gonna spend your two thousand dollar stimulus on, (relevance: 3)
by Al_Most_Perfect on Jan 5 2021 10:17PM
now that Mitch is out of the way?
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How will we know who wins Tuesday? (relevance: 3)
by tc270 on Nov 1 2020 04:49PM
Assuming the results are in Tuesday or shortly thereafter... If Biden wins - there will be a lot of disappointed conservatives. But they will go to work on Wednesday and life will go on. If Trump wins - there will be rioting and looting in the ...
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The OC is burning. (relevance: 3)
by ladodgerfan on Oct 26 2020 11:07AM
Was told we may have to evacuate our work office soon in Irvine . We should be okay as long as wind doesn’t shift. But that wind is nasty! Stay safe People.
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Bringing back affirmative action??? (relevance: 3)
by SinfullyKorean on Oct 18 2020 03:50PM
Really?! WTF? So it's ok to be racist now? I can't believe this is actually on the ballot. Literal wording of prop 16: Repeals Proposition 209 (1996), which says that the state cannot discriminate or grant preferential treatment based on race, sex ...
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Pandering by Biden (relevance: 3)
by jazz51 on Oct 1 2020 01:14PM
Come on man!!!! I highly doubt this word is in his regular vocabulary. Joe used a Muslim word in his exchange with Trump. Inshallah Yep, Joe. Keep up the pandering to the special interest groups. Somehow a 'dude from Scranton' would ...
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Now Lindsey Graham's crying like a little bitch just like Trump (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Sep 25 2020 09:06PM
Stupid scorpion couldn't change his nature. So in the middle of a tough re-election battle for his Senate seat, which has been 50/50 for months, he proves what a hypocrite he is. Mr. "You can use my words against me" from '16 who said Republica ...
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