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Covid is the common cold... (relevance: 3)
by OVAHERE on Jul 2 2020 10:57AM
Quit Trippin!
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So a buffoon holds an event... (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jun 20 2020 06:09PM
And even before the event begins, 6 of the working the show get the ‘rona. I think we have this year’s premiere Darwin Award winners.
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CHAZ to ALCATRAZ (relevance: 3)
by GinaGalaxy on Jun 15 2020 04:48AM
Thats All Im Saying..
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NASCAR bans confederate flag (relevance: 3)
by TheSenator on Jun 10 2020 03:10PM
Sorry you don't get to fly your treasonous flag at the vroom vroom car race anymore You confederate scum went to war AGAINST the United States of America and LOST like a bunch of little bitches - all your participation trophy monuments are coming ...
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If you want to see the hypocrisy of #BLM (relevance: 3)
by Zeros on Jun 4 2020 02:20PM
If you want to skip right to it, its at 2:30. But the whole video is worth a watch.
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Curse you Arby's for killing a unarmed man (relevance: 3)
by NPembrush on May 29 2020 12:48PM
Don't people do peaceful protests anymore? You can be angry but you know use some brain cells and not destroy people's businesses.
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What was OBAMA's response when the Ebola virus broke out (relevance: 3)
by DudeLebowski on May 23 2020 03:07AM
Its like night and day looking at Obama and looking at Trump. Obama had a strategy to dealing the Ebola crisis and he spoke about working "fast" to stem the spread before the virus came to our shores. This is how a real President handles a crisis. I ...
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Las Vegas reopening! (relevance: 3)
by MaddMaxx on May 14 2020 04:29PM
Vegas to open May 22nd, for Memorial Day weekend! who's going? RW
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How many of you (relevance: 3)
by RobBlakeFan on May 6 2020 09:27PM
people believe Newsome is doing a good job. This idiot thinks applying rules to LA county applies to the other counties he is supposed to represent. Fuck off Newsome. Let the local communities deal with their own situations.
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$5 Dollars Back In My Day. . (relevance: 3)
by GinaGalaxy on Apr 21 2020 11:38PM
Could buy a pack of ciggs. Could buy pizza hut at school and soda. Could buy a movie ticket Could get 3 gal of gas Could have change left over after buying a Frapachino What else? & What does $5 dollars still get you today? â ...
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