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Social disruption (relevance: 6)
by Makingiteasy on Aug 22 2018 11:28AM
Fake news, Twitter, blog.... too many sources=bad environment
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So how do I convert a gay man (relevance: 6)
by lisa666torres on Aug 24 2017 11:27PM
I need to figure it out . we flirt and all the above. We are both Taurus . he is a virgin to pussy so do I take a dive and jump in his lap or do I play the flirting game till I end up raping him. I need it more than any guy I have encountered in a lo ...
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Who has the best album? (relevance: 6)
by Busman on Apr 5 2017 08:25PM
Curious Who has the best album?
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Why (relevance: 6)
by bmwfive on Mar 24 2017 10:24PM
Why is every blog here about politics? Damm Better to have a blog about some tits and ass :D
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California It's Own Country ! (relevance: 6)
by TheRealStephanie on Feb 2 2017 10:31AM
I would like to hear what others think of this proposal.
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Rocksteady310 exudes class (relevance: 6)
by Plague_Doctor on Jan 13 2017 02:54PM
I think I ran into him at the yacht club or was it the charity golf tournament?
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Tim Scott (relevance: 5)
by jimbo0618 on Jan 26 2024 03:16PM
As a Man, I winched and got angry watching Tim Scott grovel to DT after he won the NH primary. The fact that he embarassed him by saying that Nikki nominated him for his senate job but that he is now endorsing him for President! What Timmy do but shu ...
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Proud Boys (relevance: 5)
by SeymourButz on Sep 1 2023 04:08PM
Get a combined 28 year. One dude started crying asking for mercy. 18 year. The other dude got 10 yrs. What's the message here Keep fucking with Trump and get prepared to start crying at your sentencing day. Torio is next. That punk is fixing ...
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Ted Cruz and the Truth (relevance: 5)
by jimbo0618 on Jan 7 2022 08:08PM
Wow, finally a Trump-butt licking Senator who told the truth about the violent insurrection on January 6th that so many of them have downplayed over the last year! Wait, what he is backtracking on his comments after No-Chin Tucker Carlson called him ...
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Columbus Day (relevance: 5)
by calIvan on Oct 11 2021 10:09AM
Ok. So it triggers people to call it that nowadays but even if he was a heartless genocide inducing son of a motherless goat, dude was important. He still brought european culture to this land, for better or for worse. He still established trade rout ...
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