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Trump got creamed. Give it the fuck up already (relevance: 9)
by Sly69 on Dec 16 2020 02:15PM
I indulged myself by reading the comments leading up to the election but fatigued hearing from all the Trump loving morons on this site. A bunch of ignorant, uneducated, red neck bottom dwellers that belong some where in the deep south cavorting with ...
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Trump paid $3 million to recount Wisconsin election only to prove Biden won even more votes there! (relevance: 9)
by SonOfAdams on Nov 28 2020 10:46AM
This guy must be a glutton for punishment. How does it feel to lose over & over again in the same state, retard? :)) Keep it up, Wanna-be Mob Boss! You're showing you're the biggest loser on the planet! AGAIN! :D
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Drumph is criminally deranged (relevance: 6)
by jarhead1183 on Jan 3 2021 11:09AM
Wow, I understand the lost cause cult members still following this criminal, but it’s the reasonable, well educated Republicans that I don’t get. To an earlier comment on a different post about the constant Trump bashing, if there was nothin ...
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so how liberal are the the liberals or was it just get trump out (relevance: 6)
by InsearchofStarfish on Dec 19 2020 09:36AM
GA runoff race poll 50.2 perdue 47.5 ossoff 52.2 loeffler 45.5 warnock dec 14-16 trafalgar poll btw...that DA in LA is getting a little backlash and changing his tune a bit...i guess only so crazy you can get
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Tonight’s debate made me sad (relevance: 6)
by KaiserSoce on Sep 29 2020 09:20PM
In a country of 330 million people... These two are the best we have? Biden isn’t the problem. Trump isn’t the problem. They are just symptoms of the stupidity of the Moronic stranglehold this two party system has on this country. I tho ...
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And the Douchebag of the Century Award goes to: (relevance: 6)
by Mr.Horndog on May 24 2020 08:28PM
@DonaldChump! Winner! Runner up goes to: @Corona_Virus 3rd Place: Tie between @GoBallsDeep & @KaiserSoce
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What the fuck are you misfits going to do (relevance: 3)
by Himes_Soul on Jan 19 2021 10:59PM
after tomorrow?
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Conservative Standard Bearer National Review Calls For Trump To Be Removed From Office (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Jan 7 2021 11:22PM
"There will be time to sort through the wreckage of the conservative movement and the Republican Party. There is not as much time — a little less than 14 days — to constrain the president before he plunges the nation’s capital into havoc again. ...
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Mitch stops $2k payment (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Dec 29 2020 10:57AM
There ya go. Showdown looming between Mitch and Trump.
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What will CNN do? (relevance: 3)
by GoBallsDeep on Dec 16 2020 10:33PM
Now that Trump is gone? Biden will not drive ratings, so how does CNN survive? Will they be forced to actually report news? I figured somebody here will know. Thanks in advance
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