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Corruption in Cali? (relevance: 12)
by GoBallsDeep on Aug 16 2020 02:39PM
Anybody ever heard of Behested Payments? That's when a politician hits you up for a shakedown "legally"......... only in California. I am shocked and aghast! :)) Check out 2020 in the link While you're looking at links, check out the To ...
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thanks OMAR (relevance: 9)
by InsearchofStarfish on Sep 29 2020 12:38AM
love the liberal left...ALWAYS overplay their hand. with omar, it was just a matter of marriage, paying her new husband huge portions of what she had politically raised she might be going to jail funny i just donated to her opp ...
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the libs just can't help themselves (relevance: 9)
by InsearchofStarfish on Sep 12 2020 06:18AM
it's possible they picked up a few votes due to the Atlantic article hit job on trump about the military (all anonymous sources)...nevertheless it had some traction NOW the "same paper - the atlantic", that could have put biden over the top??? g ...
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Coronavirus update: Florida (relevance: 9)
by InsearchofStarfish on Jul 14 2020 04:15PM
LABS not reporting negative results how do they let that happen? I know there was a talking point over the last few weeks of this wave being stronger as a higher percentage of those tested
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election TUES (relevance: 6)
by InsearchofStarfish on Nov 7 2022 09:33PM
let the fun begin
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Here's all the data you need to understand why Biden will Crush Trump; start crying, Republicans! (relevance: 6)
by SonOfAdams on Oct 31 2020 11:40AM
Maybe that way you'll have nothing left to cry by the time Tuesday results start rolling in! :))
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Is it me or what (relevance: 6)
by Gorgeous.Lisa on Oct 20 2020 05:46PM
There aren’t any apartments for rent like oh my god. Who own apartments, condos , houses I’m looking to rent can you text me if you have property
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If Joe Biden wins... Part Diurex (relevance: 6)
by NPembrush on Sep 17 2020 12:25PM
Reading all the comments from the last blog was funny. Just jumping in: If Biden wins then all the extremist libs will riot and loot. The less extremist libs will hide in their safe spaces. Crane_op will move to his deep state bunker under Trum ...
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Words of Truth to BLM (relevance: 6)
by GoBallsDeep on Sep 5 2020 01:32PM
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CDC revises direct COVID US deaths down to 9200 in total. (relevance: 6)
by flash911 on Aug 30 2020 09:24AM
Non-comorbidity. The disease is real. The numbers are fake. Y'all have been taken for a ride. It'a all over Twitter.
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