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biden leading the charge on covid (relevance: 6)
by InsearchofStarfish on Aug 22 2020 12:30AM
his first chance to give us a hint at his instincts? not good wouldn't have closed off china flights...maybe too close to china with his son having that 1.5billion investment...would have pissed them off track record? of which he might ...
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Bye bye NY, So sad..Cali next? (relevance: 6)
by jimmyDee on Aug 19 2020 12:18PM
Saw this made me sad
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Kampala Harris before and after she was picked (relevance: 6)
by GoBallsDeep on Aug 15 2020 08:51PM
"The media and Democrats this week can’t roll out enough praise for the veep pick: She’s brilliant, savvy, seasoned, vetted, smooth, forceful, appealing, authentic, powerful, a fighter. This is the same woman the media and Democrats rightly skewe ...
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Worst mayor? (relevance: 6)
by Chucklaylo on Aug 14 2020 05:38AM
Yesterday I heard a political commentator who is taking a poll on who is the worst mayor in the country. Who do you think? There are certainly a large number of viable candidates. Might be hard to choose a winner here.
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2020 Presidential Debates (relevance: 6)
by Persiansiren on Jul 23 2020 02:56PM
Who else can't wait for this elections debates? The 2016 debates weren't bad but this one is going to be amazing given Trump is going up against Biden! I'll admit I'm heavily disappointed in the Democratic party for choosing such an incompetent candi ...
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Biden Admin Intentionally Misses Oil and Gas Deadline to Trash the Oil Futures Market part deux (relevance: 5)
by wunanddun on Oct 3 2022 04:18PM
Had to continue this to say one this.... Quat you moron ... do you have any idea what a futures market is? Obviously not or you wouldn't claim nonsensically that renewing oil leases today would have no effect on oil prices. That is criminall ...
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Supreme Court 2 (relevance: 5)
by KaiserSoce on Sep 22 2020 01:17PM
Quat, Repubs used the system that was in place. The Dems did it with impeachment. They had the majority so they shut the Repubs out of the process until the hearings and the vote. It’s politics. The reason for lifetime appointments is to take th ...
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RIP Sophia Leone at 26 (relevance: 3)
by vince2001 on Mar 11 2024 08:04AM
Another young soul, taken too soon. 🙏🏻😞
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Biden Admin going after AMZN now (relevance: 3)
by TomTraubert on Sep 26 2023 11:11AM
Did I miss something and Bezos sold to Elon or endorsed Trump while I was hungover?
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13 gold bars (relevance: 3)
by TomTraubert on Sep 22 2023 09:42AM
Plus $500k cash in his home is still probably not enough "proof" for HX libtards. Another "alleged" democrat is "allegedly" indicted for "alleged" bribery and corruption. The "alleged" chairman of state foreign relations committee selling American ...
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