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Ukraine - Russia peace deal sabatoged by West in April (relevance: 3)
by Atticus_Finch on Sep 4 2022 02:55PM
So there could/would have been a negotiated peace between Ukraine & Russia in April IF the U.S. & england WOULDN'T have gotten involved! Seriously, with all the bs that's happened since he first got in office, then adding this on to the pile, how ...
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Trump in Jeopardy, part 3. 2 things for certain (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Aug 9 2022 03:59PM
It’s time to take a look at those taxes, and follow the money, as the Democrats have been granted access to 45’s taxes by the courts.
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Mara Lago (relevance: 3)
by SeymourButz on Aug 8 2022 04:27PM
More like Moron Lago. Looks like the Gmen busted in like gangbusters and tossing that place up. Good ol Trump is feeling it now. For all you MAGA hats, better start sending more money to help pay more attorney fee's.
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Biden Admin Intentionally Misses Oil and Gas Deadline to Trash the Oil Futures Market (relevance: 3)
by yellowB2 on Jul 5 2022 08:13AM
Read the article. The Biden Administration, while Americans are suffering with $6 a gallon gas, intentionally missed a deadline which stops all offshore oil and gas leases for one full year! Can you imagine the nerve of these people, elected to l ...
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she just makes me want to throw up (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Feb 15 2021 09:57PM
how the fuck? she was one of about 4 dems that needed career derailing, but somehow she got to the top?? nice push back from axios on her
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I don’t really care... but (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Jan 12 2021 06:40PM
Isn’t it an issue that Nancy went to the Head of the Joint Chiefs to limit the Comander-In-Chief’s authority to be Commander in Chief? I understand why everyone is upset about what happened at the Capital but as horrible as it was ... it had Z ...
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Pence rejects Trump (relevance: 3)
by jarhead1183 on Dec 31 2020 08:45PM
Vice President Pence asks Federal judge to dismiss lawsuit.... Oopsie
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this is going to be fucking brutal...dude is gone mentally (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Dec 30 2020 02:50PM
Joe Biden refers to Kamala Harris as ‘president-elect’ By Ebony Bowden December 29, 2020
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Why is the US Gov giving 1.5 Billion to Egypt? (relevance: 3)
by Zeros on Dec 22 2020 12:56PM
From the covid relief bill? Are we buying the fucking pyramids? Believe it or not, I looked it up and we are giving hundreds of millions of dollars to a bunch of foreign countries. And for what? this isn't even COVID related. All ...
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PA has a chance to get to supreme court (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Dec 7 2020 06:54PM
this election might be over, but they need to fix this shit for future elections ted cruz to present case if it gets there here is a nice little recent election history in PA
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