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New iPhones start at $999 (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Sep 13 2018 12:40PM
Shit, Apple must not realize that the economy is slowing down. The new iPhone release orgy, I mean showcase event happened this week and the prices for the new model are outrageous. It’s more than one month’s rent for some people. I may ...
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Stolen fx points? (relevance: 3)
by rideme on Aug 27 2018 09:54PM
How did someone take fx points from me? It says I unlocked mail for this person but I DID NOT perform this task.
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Bitcoin up $640 today (relevance: 3)
by Raspberry8951 on Jul 17 2018 01:10PM
Whover bought bitcoin yesterday you are up 600.00
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CryptoRape (relevance: 3)
by concrete1880 on Jul 2 2018 09:01AM
Of course I understand the recent need for change in the way this business model receives funding and I've been wanting to get involved with cryptos for a while now anyway so I didn't mind the switch. A little research here told me the CryptoATM woul ...
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things baby boomers bitch about on a daily basis (relevance: 3)
by Raspberry8951 on Jun 28 2018 10:25AM
#1 Not enough fiber in Oatmeal anymore. #2 Too many Cars on the roads and freeways. #3 What happened to all of the White Jewish Doctors? Why do I have to see this dark skinned Indian Doctor from Bombay ? I thought Trump and Ryan was supposed to ...
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I think I am going to try POF I definetlyam going to need a new steady (relevance: 3)
by wingandaprayer on Jun 15 2018 06:06PM
i just realized I have know idea/clue how to go on a date at all.....anymore i am screwed. I cant believe my life never could have imagined in my wildest dreams what this website is cable of and whats funny whats truly funny is tha after years of pay ...
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Sorry for another Tramp blog (relevance: 3)
by teeitup on Jul 30 2017 09:32AM
So, after the failed Healthcare fiasco, it appears that Tramp is taking off the gloves and is heading towards a bare knuckles fight with the Republicans now. After tossing out Priebus and some of the Rep. Committee staffers who came over with him, he ...
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